Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

I know it, just go with the flow Spoko.
Well my flow :D, FMA, you can't get something for nothing.
Raikiri [0/0/0/0|0]
Red Sword [0/20/40/0|15]
Berdysh [10/0/0/0|0]
Rika's Claw [0/0/0/30|25]

Blue stuff:

Gigush +32 [0/0/0/0|60] [Charge]
Spinner [0/0/0/0|50] [Charge]
Autogun [0/0/0/0|50] [Arrest]
Autogun [0/0/0/0|50] [Blizzard]
Autogun [0/0/0/0|55] [Chaos]
Autogun [0/0/0/0|55] [Gush]

Cheers man. Can donate some stuff mayhaps.
(H/Battle, Yellow/Red Amp, SWs, some armors/shields/units)
Bank 5
Yasminkov 3000R [0/0/15/0|0]
Guilty Light +18 [10/0/0/0|70]
Snow Queen [35/35/0/30|0]

Bank 8
Shield of Delsaber [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Standstill Shield [DEF: 21/EVP: 11]

Thank you :)

edit: Also don't forget the monkey king bar and twin blaze
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Could I request that Zanba, 15/15 Chainsawd, Honeycomb Reflector and 55 hit Charge assault?
My Hardcore character is named Hyze.
Could I request that Zanba, 15/15 Chainsawd, Honeycomb Reflector and 55 hit Charge assault?
My Hardcore character is named Hyze.
I would be super stoked to snag these and maybe a scape doll or two :D
May i get these 2? found out bezerk isnot the most fun thing on HC lol

I'll be on later and you all can grab it then/when free. Ken, Ray asked for Assults 1st but I can give you the 50h instead.

Also @exintexan reserved an RM for you.
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Ano Bazooka [15/25/0/15|0]

Valkyrie [0/35/0/0|0]
Chain Sawd [0/0/10/15|0]
Yamigarasu [0/5/0/0|0]
Red Sword [15/0/0/10|0]
Red Slicer [0/0/0/0|0]
Crazy Tune [0/0/0/0|0]
Partisan of Lightning [0/25/0/0|0]
Sacred Duster [0/0/0/10|0]
Twin Chakram +1 [15/0/0/0|0]

Glide Divine [0/5/15/0|0]
Earth Wand: Brownie [0/0/15/0|0]
LOGiN [0/0/0/0|0]
HItogata [0/10/0/0|0]

Thirteen [Slots: 4] [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]


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Yeah. I'll disc you when I'm free in a mo.
I'd like to snag the following:

Guard Wave [Slots: 1] [DEF: 32/EVP: 16]
Regenerate Gear B.P. [DEF: 7/EVP: 0]
Railgun [0/0/0/0|55] [Demon's]

May I mooch a cure/freeze, shock and para off you please?