Welcome to my shop!
Feel free to contact me via Direct message on the forums, Discord, or by replying to this thread.
Discord: Lantana29a
Pre-made ES Weapons: (List will be updated every time I get a new one)
Custom ES Weapons:
Custom ES Weapons can have any name up to 8 Characters...
This page is in-active. Thank you for all your support! I am truly grateful that I was able to provide mags for this server for a few years :) It might seem stupid but running this mag shop was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. I had so much fun and learned a lot.
I plan on updating...
Episode: 2
Quest Tab: Tower
Wiki page: https://wiki.pioneer2.net/index.php?title=Twilight_Sanctuary#Enemy_Counts
Welcome to the Twilight Sanctuary
This isn't an easy quest. It's also my first one that I've ever made with the highly thanked...
Accepting eggs 2:1pd
E1 Custom - 40pd- expected wait less than 24h
E2 Custom - 28 pd- expected wait 2-3 days
Please see here for more information: https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/custom-s-ranks-e1-e2.18047/#post-147924
Temporarily CLOSED!
Hit me up on Discord for weapons, I might still do a run here or there.
If you're looking for Custom E2C S-Ranks you may place an order here and then either me or a friend of mine will make them for you. When there's no queue your weapons should be ready within a couple of...
Your friendly mag trainer proudly serving the HC community!
**Accepting normal and hardcore currencies.**
I have moved to only customs!
Please visit the link below!
Custom Mag Orders
Please refer to this link...
CURRENTLY CLOSED (Unless paying in NM pds)
This is a hardcore thread in a hardcore section. Not The Regular Game mode.
General Notes:
Unsealing services can have discounts discussed if multiple items and/or some kills already...