Post-200 Grind (Level 250)

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I think if you are gonna get RDR, just don't show it as levels. Level 200 is supposed to be that one goal PSO players usually strive for. Have a total exp counter or something which gives you extra RDR depending on how much has passed, imo.
Give me the option to turn off the ugly lv250 look.
I might be okay with then, I just never want to see it once.
Also 201-250 is ugly as hell pls no
If people are worried about the physical number being changed, is it possible to just add another "Tab title" above a players avatar in lobby that displays what level over 200 they are? Say I was level 201, it would display "Yueru Lv:200" then if you would tab to the next title it would display something like "P:01."

Overall I feel as if the changes proposed would bring some more players back to the server and keep more playing. I love the idea of players getting increased RDR but I personally would rather have section id changes and name changes. Also instead of tacking on more levels why not make an EXP shop. After you hit level 200 all exp gained after is tracked, this EXP can be exchanged for things in the EXP shop. Things could include section ID changes, name changes, RDR boost (capping at a certain percent of course), DAR boost, or maybe even a global server increases in rare monster chance/exp rate for a certain amount of time.

EDIT: SORRY @BlitzkriegAJ i didn't see your post already giving the suggestion of a new Tab menu :(
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To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I'm always down for any improvements or changes, but there's a little something about this I can't put my finger on.

Should it be implemented though, I don't mind, I guess I'm just ok with the way things are right now.
25% boost sounds good, but the level up should not be automatic, either talk to an NPC to activate, or command /activate***
I think it's clear that people want some way to continue to see "200" instead of "201", etc., regardless of the means as to how that's done, I'm sure our talented server team can handle it. Let's move past this minor detail and now really get to it. Aesthetics aside, who wants this? I know I do.
I'd be more interested in a larger leaderboard page of people 200 and above, with things like a Name Change, RDR, and ID Changes(maybe) rewarded at milestone increments.

I like this idea in theory, there's just something about seeing levels higher than 200 in-game that bothers me, and 250 is a slightly awkward number to land on eventually
I think we need to get off this aesthetic obsession and focus on the actual reality of the matter. I'm quite irritated at how much concern is going into the actual level number. How much time do you spend looking at your characters' levels, everyone? Is this really that big of a deal? I'm sorta mind-blown that we're getting hung up on this. If it has zero impact on the performance and appearance of your character, then why does this matter?

If this is an OCD thing that a vocal minority takes issue with, we should find a way to deal with it and move on. Such as:

A. Having the extra levels show up on another tab, or
B. Having the ability type in a command so you don't see levels over 200 (the "safe space" option)

Either way, it's entirely feasible that the server admins would find some way to deal with this, so it's not really a valid counter-argument.

Let's try asking it this way: REGARDLESS of what your level shows up as, or assuming there's some way to keep it at 200, do you want these changes?

I mean, this would be like if medical science released a cure for cancer and the doctors got into a fight about what color the pill should be. Aesthetic concerns should not be given equal billing to practical concerns. These are silly matters that don't deserve this much attention.
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Then why bother at all?

Exactly. Most gamers operate on the "action > reward" classical setup. Although exceptions exist, it should not be the vanity gamer who dictates the practical balance of the game. That's what happened with PSO2, and that's why it sucks now.

This is one of those situations where common sense needs to prevail.
I'd like to see the new levels. Give players the option...

I would also. But I understand people not wanting it. Man just give people the ability to not see above 250 with a command, so people can choose what they prefer. Simple, no need to debate the visual aspect.

Then why bother at all?

For the same reasons I would hit 200. Because I enjoy the game. And having goals is what makes life enjoyable, be it the game or not. Like any reward in life, it's the achievement and process that's the actual reward, not the reward itself. Like I specified previously, it's a goal to aim for. But ofc I would be happy for a reward, I just feel 25% is more than enough.
You can still keep playing that level 200 character without an extra 50 empty levels. If people stop playing a character once it hits level cap then they should think of other goals to use that character for like getting better gear or improving how they play that character. I just think 50 levels of nothing is a silly motivator, if they are going to bother implementing it then it should have at least some actual purpose.
At Lv. 225 you should get a lobby particle effect that gives your character an "aura field" whose color can be changed using a command.
If one could somehow use the particle effects from Rappy's Holiday based on points, i.e. levels, that would be neat..
If one could somehow use the particle effects from Rappy's Holiday based on points, i.e. levels, that would be neat..

I'm not sure if I'd love or hate this. The idea of looking swag is neat, specifically because some of RH's effects are badass. But once everyone in lobby has an effect I feel it's going to be too much. Not to mention the amount of poor computers dyeing from such particles. Boy, If I loaded into a lobby with everyone glowing with effects I think my pso would blow up, literally.
25% is not too much. It's a gradual walk to that amount. It will take AT LEAST 250 million ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE to get this. That's more than 3 level 200s.

Cool but this is Ephinea, not Ultima/Schthack.

It doesn't matter "how long" the grind takes. A 25% permanent boost is way too much. "It takes a long time to achieve" doesn't make it balanced. Heck the only reason HBR and milestones haven't completely broken the server already is because they mostly affect DAR, and most of the good drops are on enemies that already have 80%+ (and it caps at 100%).

Speeding that up by 25% after spending countless hours grinding is not going to make people get bored and quit, and it's to make them want to play MORE, which is good for the server.

It can actually have the opposite effect, and make people say "I can't play my other characters because I want a boost" and then they burn out and quit. A smaller boost (eg: 5% + permanent max luck = 10%) wouldn't do this.

I'm not sure if I'd love or hate this. The idea of looking swag is neat, specifically because some of RH's effects are badass. But once everyone in lobby has an effect I feel it's going to be too much. Not to mention the amount of poor computers dyeing from such particles. Boy, If I loaded into a lobby with everyone glowing with effects I think my pso would blow up, literally.

Yes, extra lobby particles are bad. Full lobbies can already crash people, even without particles, if they're running on a toaster.
I don't know about that. Would we really bottleneck 95% of the players from having cool aesthetics because of computers from the stone ages that can't handle a 14 year old game? Could implement some turn off function if need be.
For somebody who doesn't have any level 200 characters, I feel like the bar has just been set higher now. Instead of having to get to level 200, now I have to get to level 250. This sets the bar pretty high for beginners. It doesn't feel like a choice of whether or not I participate; I would feel incomplete if I reached level 200, and that bums me out, especially because level 200 has been the ultimate shining goal since my childhood.
For somebody who doesn't have any level 200 characters, I feel like the bar has just been set higher now. Instead of having to get to level 200, now I have to get to level 250. This sets the bar pretty high for beginners. It doesn't feel like a choice of whether or not I participate; I would feel incomplete if I reached level 200, and that bums me out, especially because level 200 has been the ultimate shining goal since my childhood.

Your character is still statistically complete at Lv. 200. The grind beyond 200 is completely optional. Really, anything past 170 is optional because your character can generally handle anything by that point. I feel like your concerns are more personal in nature.

Let's put it this way: Nobody is going to look at a Lv. 220 standing next to a Lv. 200 and think, "Oh wow, that Lv. 200 is under-accomplished!" Lv. 200 will still be held in just as high regard as it is now because that's the actual completion of the character's growth.

Also, 25% is not too much, Jeff. You're talking like this is going to double or triple someone's finds. Basically, a 1/12,000 item becomes 1/9,000, which is still plenty hard. A 1/900 item becomes 1/675, etc. It's not going to start dropping from every other enemy.

Considering the thousands of PDs it takes to "complete" a character, this is a drop in the bucket. Our server progression will never be as inflated as it was on Scht because of how much duping there was on that server.

You also seem to conveniently forget that this change will increase the amount of time you play each character by AT LEAST three times, so the fear of this somehow making the game stale is unfounded.

Again: Big picture.
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