Quick question - Quick answer

I think the wiki on mags is pretty clear but just to be sure... is synchro for mags without the "+" or "-" triggers pretty unimportant? For example, my Tellusis having 0 synchro will only affect damage done by certain PBs? I've been keeping mine at 120 would be nice if I didn't have to though

one other question, how much is the damage boost from weapon attribute percentages (native, beast, etc.) and berserk? I was just sorta curious if a spread needle's strong attack with, say, 100% native would do as much as a berserk ES needle's special on a native type enemy?

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I think the wiki on mags is pretty clear but just to be sure... is synchro for mags without the "+" or "-" triggers pretty unimportant? For example, my Tellusis having 0 synchro will only affect damage done by certain PBs? I've been keeping mine at 120 when it might not be necessary.

one other question, how much is the damage boost from weapon attribute percentages (native, beast, etc.) and berserk? I was just sorta curious if a spread needle's strong attack with, say, 100% native would do as much as a berserk ES needle's special on a native type enemy?

AFAIK 0 synchro on a tellusis won't affect the mag trigger rate because it doesn't have + or -. But yeah it should affect the damages of your pilla/estla/farla.

It's different for mags which have the + or -.

For example : Pushan triggers S/D at the rate of 50% when you reach 100 pb or enter a boss room when it is at 0% synchro.
Pushan triggers S/D at the rate of 85% when you reach 100 pb or enter a boss room when it is 120% synchro.

on the contrary : Sato triggers invicibility at the rate of 35% at 100pb when it is at 120% synchro.
Sato triggers invicibility at the rate of 15% at 100pb when it is at 31% synchro.

For the attributes percentage; it really depends on the weapon itself : attributes will be added to the weapon atp , not to your character atp neither to the damage output.

I also think that grind is not considered by attributes% but i am not quite sure.

So basically , it's not worth sphering low atp weapons such as vulcans.

It's different for Sacrificial specials : berserk/charge/spirit .

IIRC they multiply the damage by 1.5 ; that's why they are great on vulcans.
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AFAIK 0 synchro on a tellusis won't affect the mag trigger rate because it doesn't have + or -. But yeah it should affect the damages of your pilla/estla/farla.

It's different for mags which have the + or -.

For example : Pushan triggers S/D at the rate of 50% when you reach 100 pb or enter a boss room when it is at 0% synchro.
Pushan triggers S/D at the rate of 85% when you reach 100 pb or enter a boss room when it is 120% synchro.

on the contrary : Sato triggers invicibility at the rate of 35% at 100pb when it is at 120% synchro.
Sato triggers invicibility at the rate of 15% at 100pb when it is at 31% synchro.

For the attributes percentage; it really depends on the weapon itself : attributes will be added to the weapon atp , not to your character atp neither to the damage output.

I also think that grind is not considered by attributes% but i am not quite sure.

So basically , it's not worth sphering low atp weapons such as vulcans.

It's different for Sacrificial specials : berserk/charge/spirit .

IIRC they multiply the damage by 1.5 ; that's why they are great on vulcans.
Grind and attack buffs from frames/barriers are buffed by attribute percentages. Total resulting attack power is essentially 5/1 for damage output: 5 additional attack power gives you 1 extra damage. Also note that attributes only buff the minimum attack power of a weapon. For a weapon like a spread needle, this means attributes only provide up to 1 attack power from the weapon itself. You can get more from grind and offensive equipment of course, but it is limited.

Meanwhile, hard and sacrificial attacks multiply the damage done. Hard is ~2x damage, and sacrificial is ~3.5x damage.

Full details here:
You can change names whenever you want.
The Sec ID can be changed before level 20 so that you don't have to use an ID calculator beforehand, but after that its basically stuck. It may be changeable after a drop-chart change, but its no guarantee.
What i need to do to change my Sec ID?
What i need to do to change my Sec ID?

type /modsecid xxxxxxx

the xxxxxx being the ID so /modsecid oran or /modsecid greenill etc.
It will then ask you to (type again for confirmation?) and then reload blocks.
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