Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

It's too bad that Mags don't have a Technique boost field, as then you could just set double Resta, Shifta, and Deband range on every Mag, and then you could bid all of this obnoxious shield switching goodbye, too. For that matter you could just raise the default range of support Techniques so that boosts are no longer necessary, but that would make a bunch of Force weapons useless.

By Armour I also meant shields ;3

Buff Range boosts will be found on a bunch more weapons as compensation. The idea of Mags with certain utility buffs does interest me though, but I doubt that would be simple to implement.
Speaking of things simple to implement...

I've been wondering for a while how possible it would be to make Weapons have Level Requirements instead of stat requirements? And Units for that matter.
You could simulate it by removing materials, units, and Mags so that each character would have a predictable amount of each stat at each level. :p

Lol I guess, but Mags as a mechanic i'm actually a fan of, despite their problems. I'd rather put level requirements on Mags than remove them tbh.

Even then Mags can only do so much, its Units that get broken real fast without any restrictions, people with capped attack stats at level 40 : /
That's always been a problem, so it's up to each player to willingly refrain from breaking the early game by not transferring items from stronger characters.
The solution is to either a) schedule a time to make a new character with other like-minded players who are willing to LotL with you, or b) play by yourself until you're ready for Ultimate so that you can actually enjoy the unique challenge that the early game presents to you without other people ruining your experience.

You're not going to find a way around this, as giving level requirements to units and Mags not only requires you to rebuild the PMT file to include such values for each unit and Mag but also to reprogram the game to read and use these new values in the PMT. You're not going to find anybody willing to make such drastic changes without the game's source code. Changing the values in the PMT is one thing; rewriting the code that parses the PMT data is something else.
The solution is to either a) schedule a time to make a new character with other like-minded players who are willing to LotL with you, or b) play by yourself until you're ready for Ultimate so that you can actually enjoy the unique challenge that the early game presents to you without other people ruining your experience.

You're not going to find a way around this, as giving level requirements to units and Mags not only requires you to rebuild the PMT file to include such values for each unit and Mag but also to reprogram the game to read and use these new values in the PMT. You're not going to find anybody willing to make such drastic changes without the game's source code. Changing the values in the PMT is one thing; rewriting the code that parses the PMT data is something else.

Yeah I figured it wouldn't be simple. I wonder what Soly thinks about this though. Either way It would be nice to put more solid restrictions on things but it isn't the biggest deal.
I think that is better to focus on something else :P ...
Ives explained it pretty well... it would really be doable but the gain I don't think is worth it.
I think that is better to focus on something else :p ...
Ives explained it pretty well... it would really be doable but the gain I don't think is worth it.

Agreed. If it is to be done, it should be much much later, many more real problems to solve ^^
And just for the lulz, spirit too... on a racast cuz too lazy to switch.
(I just basically removed the min TP required, set to 0, to use spirit)
Soly has provided me a spreadsheet parsing tool, and I am now able to import stats to the battle param files.

With that roadblock out of the way, an Alpha is now within view, once I complete the other less automatic data input.
Your link seems to be broken, at least in this post.
It mised up with the text or something.