Christmas Trivia - 99 PD in prizes


First of all, i believe i'm not breaking any rules doing this, as the prizes are free and i'll require no ingame or RM compensations from the contestants. That being said...

Hey, I'm giving away 99 PDs, cuz is christmas. Below you will find 5 questions. The first 3 are 10PD value, the 4th is 19PD value and the final one is 50PD value. The questions have a "random/guessing" factor or they would be easily google-able.

-1 prize per forum account/user.
-Only forum accounts with 1 month or older can participate, to avoid people making accounts just for this.
-Reply to this thread, don't answer via PM.
-Each of you can answer every 2 hours (i'll use the time of your posts as reference).
-Of course, the first correct answer to a question earns its price. Don't edit your post, your answer won't count.
-Play fair and have fun, i wish there were no rules but i believe these are necessary.
*I realized i needed another rule: You can answer all the questions once in your thread responses, but i will only award the first correct answer.

Question #1 - 10 PDS
My most disliked PSOBB Class?
Hints: no hints.
Answered by @Spuz
Explanation: The first time i got kicked in the ass by a friend in battle mode was vs a FOnewm :(, on the Gamecube.

Question #2 - 10 PDS
Greatest musician of all time?
Hints: As some of us, mere mortals, he also might find IKEA stuff frustrating.
Answered by @Cassie 9
About the hints: I was afraid of giving away obvious hints, like Salieri, or related to how famous he was... So i gave random hints about his epic rap battle of history vs Skrillex xD.

Question #3 - 10 PDS
My first girlfriend name?
Hints: I'm latino; "Remember, remember the 5th of november"; There was a roman city with the same name.
Answered by @Aizen
Explanation: The latino hint meant the name was in spanish and the quote hint that the name started with V.
The girl was from elementary school. I used to tell her that i painted our names with graffiti all over my neighborhood. I was 8.

Question #4 - 19 PDS
Name the song and artist?
Hints: New York; Drums; The answer is in a book; The number of PD's rewarded for this question.
Answered by @brokenpromise
Velcro Fly - ZZ Top
Explanation: In the Dark Tower book-series, the drums of this song were what the people of Lud (the dystopian version of New York) listened to every day, until they were driven insane :)

Question #5 - 50 PDS
Full name of a videogame hero?
Hints: My favorite videogame hero had some problems with lizards in the past. His name, minus 1 letter, is in one of the PSOBB in-game music discs.
Answered by @Aer
Marche Radiuju
-Disc Vol. 1 "Wedding March"
-When he appears in the new transformed Ivalice, he meets Montblanc (the "rabbit-like character" from FFXII), and the first thing he does is call a bangaa "lizard", which gets him in trouble.

Answers:!c9JXzQRS (will provide pass once all questions are answered, as proof).
pass: 7g9r6UE6SGGGhfpKsCnS0TzioW1Adh7RxT1lla5T0SI

Merry Christmas!

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1. FOmarl according to the account leaderboards (4.64%)
3. Maria (complete guess/no clue)
5. Nights

edit: 2/4: No clue

Damn, i should've clarified. At question #1 i meant my most disliked PSOBB class. None of those are correct answers.
RIP, me. (Nice thread)

Good luck everyone. :D
No right answers yet. I edited the third question hints because they were a mess and the question is pretty random.

And in the spirit of people winning something i'll leave some more hints lol:

-Question #1 extra hint: It is not one of the classes i use, which are in my signature (lol).
-Question #2 " : Skrillex doesn't like him.
-Question #3 " : The name does not start with any of the first half of the alphabet letters.
-Question #4 " : As one of the hints say, the song appears in a book. Hollywood made an adaptation of that story not so long ago, and the main protagonist was supossed to be a white male... but it wasn't.
-Question #5: He's blonde.
1. Hucast
3. Valencia or in roman times as it was called Valentia
1. Hucast
3. Valencia or in roman times as it was called Valentia

Hucast is not.
In spanish "Valencia" is a surname. You were kinda close tho.

1 Racaseal
2 Freddie Mercury
3 Rosetta
4 Darude - Drums of New York

Another pso class down... And Freddie would be a fine option of course, but he's also not the answer, neither are the rest.
aha! I see it. Well, since i edited my post i have to guess again, right? and only one correct answer is given per post?
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aha! I see it. Well, since i edited my post i have to guess again, right? and only one correct answer is given per post?

People can answer once every two hours, to avoid spam. Also, only one correct answer per user, so other people have a chance of winning too :)
5. Flynn (Tales of Vesperia)
Nice find, but is not him.

1. Foneweal

People who have been paying attention to this thread are really close to earn 10 free PD xD. No, not Fonewearl.

Question #3 - Verona

You people are in the right track, but still not the name.

I was going with Valentina too so im out of thatone.

2. Bach

A man of knowledge... but not the answer.
- - -

Some more hints:

Q#2. "You can't rhyme against the dark side of the force, why even bother?"
Q#4. "Why did the dead baby cross the road?"
The Drums - Book of Revelations is my guess for number 4
Hucaseal is my guess for number 1
1. FOnewm
2. Peter Alexis Shukoff, also known as Nice Peter
3. York (known as Eboracum when founded by the Romans, the city where Guy Fawkes was born)
4. ZZ Top - Velcro Fly: (This and Sharp-Dressed Man are mentioned in the book series The Dark Towers: in the movie the God Drums played during the city of Lud are from the track Velcro Fly.)
5. Enrique from Skies of Arcadia. (The main Villain travels in a ship called hydra and the ships are serpents which is a type of lizard)
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Warning: Remember that i will only award the FIRST correct answer, because a person can only win once.

1. HUmar
2. Mozart
3. Valeria

Nice thread, I love it!!

Mozart is correct! Finally the first one, congratz :)

Link is not the answer, although he's indeed awesome.

1. FOnewm
2. Peter Alexis Shukoff, also known as Nice Peter
3. York (known as Eboracum when founded by the romans, the city where Guy Fawkes was born)
4. ZZ Top - Velcro Fly: (This and Sharp-Dressed Man are mentioned in the book series The Dark Towers: in the movie the God Drums played during the city of Lud are from the track Velcro Fly.)
5. Enrique from Skies of Arcadia. (The main Villa travels in a ship called hydra and the ships are serpents which is a type of lizard)

FOnewm is correct!

I'll arrange the PD delivery through PM.

Congratulations to the winners so far :)
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