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  1. Nikki

    Guild card #'s not displaying under blacklist for those whose accounts are registered as JPN, only for ENG.

    I could be wrong and its something as simple as the GC# only displaying for someone whom you've traded GC's with, but I don't remember that being a thing offhand and I dont remember ever sending this person my card so im not immediately sure. So I took advice and posted a bug report about it on...
  2. Nikki

    Gallons shop sell option and PD stack not working

    When I attempt to sell an item from my full inventory the game never completes the transaction and I'm stuck in an infinite loop unable to obtain the PD from the shops reward. The PD never adds to the stack in my inventory, and the item never sells in short. Will post pics shortly. Edit...
  3. Nikki

    Deep Sea rendezvous 3rd prize failure.

    Just turned in some ma4 tickets at DSR, got the third prize option. The third prize text box closed and no other text box popped up, nor item given. Reloaded blocks and nothing in inventory either, so it simply failed to give a prize. Not sure whats up with that unless its trying to give...
  4. Nikki

    MA:E VR Spaceship wrong warp.

    As title says. We died in Spaceship, went to Lab to teleport back to SS, got this warp location.
  5. Nikki

    A /usemat command

    A command to use an amount of mats from your inventory. Like say you're holding 50 power mats just type /usemat pow 50 and it removes that amount from your inventory and adds them to your character, or if you're holding say 20 type /usemat 10 to just take 10 away. This would really be a good QoL...
  6. Nikki

    A Small PSA for everyone.

    If someone links to random websites containing "downloadable PSO related material" and it's not an "official" source like PSO-World, our forums and website, or skinning sites like Univers-PS, please bear in mind that consequences from clicking on, browsing in, and downloading any and all...
  7. Nikki

    !!!!!! New to game? Installing for first time? READ THIS !!!!

    First and foremost, here is a link to Soda's FAQ, I'm only making this as people seem to not want to go through a FAQ and would rather post for help so I'm listing the most common issues users run into. I AM a bit disappointed I have to reiterate some of the things he's already posted but it is...
  8. Nikki

    (Just for fun!) Make your own patch.

    Considering the recent uproar about changes, I thought this would be a fun exercise thread for people to let off their ideas into. This is not meant to be a suggestions thread nor is it to be taken serious, nor should you expect any of this to ever happen, NOR Should you beg the staff for...
  9. Nikki

    A few suggestions.

    Firstly, a /killbanner command that kills the current banner scrolling for you room. it's extremely irritating to have "random derp has found god/arm" scrolling across when you're trying to use /killcount or watch for desynchs when equipping, removing, banking, or taking out items. You could...
  10. Nikki

    Nikki's general PSO:BB guide.

    Nikki's general guide to PSO gameplay and meta [WARNING/Disclaimer] This guide is very VERY long, contains many gameplay "spoilers" (in that I'm holding your hand). It is meant for struggling, new, or long returning players. There is also some harsh criticism so you've been fairly warned on...
  11. Nikki

    General gameplay opinions thread (polls inside)

    I was thinking about the recent quest creation, removal of PTS (drama go to another thread) and what we might see in the future. While doing so it occurred to me that for the sake of content creators/mappers and our future, it might be good to get the opinion of the people actually playing the...
  12. Nikki

    Sooo...TV/monitor brand recommendations?

    I don't even think I wanna repair this piece of crap that fried of me to be quite honest, I'm just goin to wait and get something better. So does anyone have brand recommendations? I'm pretty sure people will say LG and Sony so they're already on my list, but anything else?
  13. Nikki

    Random attack Xrd Eps 2, wrong/missing receiving teleporter

    Went from Temple, to seabed, to mountain. When me and pluto teleported from seabed, we warped into mid air. o_O So I'm guessing there's no teleporter there or the pointer to receive it is wrong? Either way this is quest breaking and needs fixing. Oh also, I should add. There was 2 entire waves...
  14. Nikki

    online.exe repatching everytime I switch accounts...

    I have no clue how to explain this one but its really annoying. On a single account, I can relog fine, restart fine, and have no issues when playing a single account. The very second I switch to my 2nd account it repatches and I have to restart it until it stops patch looping on its own. It...
  15. Nikki

    Crash/Freeze after opening presents?...

    I'm not sure what's causing it but it's happened far too many times to be coincidence. Not 30 seconds after opening presents, about the same time every time I crash, it's happened a total of 7 times now. I'm sure my installation is fine as I just redid it and it's happened on both the old and...
  16. Nikki

    Close please

    team found, close please.
  17. Nikki

    T>LS 4 MR

    Updated. Topic ^ Trading 1:1.
  18. Nikki

    Team Steel Hearts

    Hi guys, just wanted to post up my team. We're only 2 members strong right now but I think I'm ready to start accepting randoms. We're goal oriented in this team. That means hunting rares, unlocking team privileges, helping eachother out through hunts and building a team community, and most of...
  19. Nikki

    Mag (Bhirava) not receiving 3rd PB.

    Leveled my mag up like so; pow till 10>dex till 35>dex till 50, got bhirava at 50 on a redria ranger, got no third PB. Unless I'm missing something...I'm pretty sure this is a bug or just a missing instruction altogether. Dont blame me for the small size, its your forums limit xD
  20. Nikki


    Hello guys, looking to rejoin the "main community" and your advertisers got to me. I'm sick of waiting for a certain lazy guy that doesn't care so here I am.