A few suggestions.


Firstly, a /killbanner command that kills the current banner scrolling for you room. it's extremely irritating to have "random derp has found god/arm" scrolling across when you're trying to use /killcount or watch for desynchs when equipping, removing, banking, or taking out items. You could even make it kill the current banner for the specific user, and display the next queue'd one. I consider this would be a QOL change, and want this one the most. Especially for people with bad or foreign connections to the server. If they cant see the banner how would they know they desynched? I mean cmon :T

Secondly, one that soda thought was a good idea a while ago is a jukebox queue to stop jukebox trolling and let peoples songs play out while others are queued for next play. I understand though if this is not possible because of the sound/jukebox limitations though.

Third will probably be shot down immediately but let Hardcores make regular mode rooms, its very limiting as it is and having to change chars for an ID a HC player might have already in the lobby is just irritating. They're not getting any bonuses in normalmode rooms, and they can die wether its HC or normal rooms so I see no reason for the restriction it seems artificial. It's just like, why?
I'm for all of these especially the latter.

Having a function to make hardcore or normal games upon game creation would be kinda neat. It has to be the most furiating thing as a HC player waiting for a game to be made.