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Nikki's general guide to PSO gameplay and meta
[WARNING/Disclaimer] This guide is very VERY long, contains many gameplay "spoilers" (in that I'm holding your hand). It is meant for struggling, new, or long returning players. There is also some harsh criticism so you've been fairly warned on that. I'd suggest not wasting your time if you're just here to complain as I'll ignore it. Realize that most, if not all of this is my opinion and from my experience so take it as such. I do not wish to rule how you play, only give you guidance.
This thread/Guide is not for you if:
-You know enough about pso and its general mechanics to play without my assistance
-You like figuring mechanics of gameplay and tricks out on your own
-You cant take criticism in order to better yourself
-You're looking for outright builds/equipment suggestions.
-You're looking to troubleshoot running the game/crash/connection issues. Please take those to Ephinea's technical support section, NOT TETH SOFTWARE.
This thread/guide IS FOR YOU if:
-certain enemies keep killing you and you don't have a solution
-You get stuck in enemy groups
-You get blamed for the failure of your party
-You have trouble dealing with certain mobs
-You want to know more and expand your knowledge on the game
-You have no idea why people say you "play your class wrong!?!"
PLEASE PLEASE IF I MISSED SOMETHING or said something incorrect, tell me! I'm not perfect or above correction and if something is wrong, I'll correct it.
There's always new stuff to learn in this game and that's why we keep going after all these years.
Also, this guide is ctrl+f friendly so if you wanna find something please just search it. Like "Olga flow" or "Dorphon" or "Megid" by example. =)
---=Info and terminology key for this guide and general gameplay=---
NT: No target, when a enemy has spawned with no target-able interaction from the player. This happens due the enemy being targetted too early or the targets not loading at all. Re-entering the room to trigger the interaction usually fixes this.
s/d/j/z: shifta and deband/Jellen and Zalure, people asking you to buff them and debuff enemies. If you're the highest buff or debuff in the party people shouldn't have to ask, yes even if you're a HUmar.
FT: Freeze trap , for dangerous mobs, or mobs with high evasion. Freezing an enemy helps them become easier to hit as it lowers evasion, essential for some classes like Melee FO's who want to help out with demons. When a enemy is Freeze trapped do not try to unfreeze them, just hit them.
CT: Confuse trap, for exp tagging or dangerous mobs which you can confuse and run out of the room to let them kill eachother. Do not use these in groups of baranz/garanz, ilgil, and especially deldepth or any mobs that people have been frozen, it will unfreeze them.
DT: damage traps. Useful for killing slimes over their spawn point or tagging enemy groups for experience. Can also break rappy spawns if the trap explodes over their spawn point while they're in the air, causing the next wave to come before rappy is killed. Never saw this before ephinea so im not sure if its a bug specific to this server or something that's known. They're also useful to spam inbetween attacks on lizards to increase the total DPS and clear them out faster.
pipe: Telepipe, almost self explanatory but some people dont get it. Most of the time people are asking for you to put a telepipe down so they can join you.
RM: remake room, usually due to bugged joining process, invisible players, or if someone d/c
RES: This means the room is reserved for players ahead of time. I will encourage you to please use passwords for your games ahead of time to avoid unnecessary drama. If you have someone invading your passworded room because you said it in the lobby, inform a staff member or blacklist them.
CK: Combo kill, the ability to kill a single enemy or group of enemies in 1 combo chain.
PB: Photon blast (mylla and youlla), estlla, golla, farlla, pilla, and Leilla):
When you have 100 PB in your photon blast gauge, you can call for a chain Photon blast which will give you a boosted shifta and deband when combining Mylla and youlla with other PB's. Photon blast chains can be donated to by hitting your emote key/button and donating 10, 20 or 30 pb points to the chain. Each press of the emote key adds 10 from your gauge, 30 being of more effect than 20 and so on. Chains with twins+2 other PBs/2 or 3 donates gives you super s/d. Keep note that in the PB chain you cannot chain twins back to back, there has to be another photon blast inbetween them for it to work with dual twins.
EFR/EIC/etc: Elemental resistances (fire, ice, lightning, light, dark) you might need to survive certain things like Epsilons rafoie, wizards megid and grants, or opts gizonde.
split: Someone calling on you as someone with techs (human/newman) to cast rabarta and split blue slimes to search for red ones. This is most common on Redria so keep an eye for the ID so as not to randomly damage trap slimes and anger people. You can also split slimes on every 3rd attack of your weapon if you have no rabarta. You can do a trick by cancelling your attacks hitbox by opening and closing menu quickly twice, then hitting with the 3rd attack only. Your combo can still be continued after the menu is opened and closed, and The timing for attacks is lenient but this takes some practice. Alternatively you can use a very low ata weapon and miss with specials until the 3rd attack comes out.
Reduced: The effects of a weapon's special are reduced. Effects for hell, chaos, blizzard, storm, and burning are reduced when on a Diska, shot, sword, mechgun, and partisan. They all suffer reductions to efficiency. Casts cannot effectively use demons either, and suffer a class reduction. Most likely due to having traps available.
boosts: contrary to reductions, certain classes get a boost to things. Casts have naturally better arrest, freeze, confusion activation in ult. While classes like the forces have their own tech boosts. No class gets a boost to demons or Hell, just to note. Noteworthy are FOmarl and FOmar's grants boost, Foney's si tech boost, Fonewm's gi tech and ra tech boost, and Fomars gi tech boost.
activation: After a special attack connects, it has a chance to activate the special. Having hit on your weapon only increases the chance for the attack itself to connect, the special itself still has to activate. V501 and V502 specifically boost activation of specials. It's usually good to have a plan that encompasses using these if you're a RA/HU. Keep in mind that v502's main difference from v501 is that v502 boosts hell more. V501 is still valuable in its own right, and neither boost demons.
SNS: A bug with attacks which makes the first special attack take the accuracy of a normal shot if you do the normal shot just before the special hits. Mostly used with SOF (slicer of fanatic) by Fomarls because of their attack animation, though any class can do it.
Gizonde/needle or "I'll lock": Someone calling that they'll take care of volopt's screen phase by either gizonde or spread needle locking opt in place to damage him behind the screen. Which means DO NOT WRECK THE SCREENS. Let them do it. If they screw up or cant do it then you can take over. Sometimes because of desynch pillars will spawn anyways, in which case just kill the red pillars to control opt.
DMC or Damage cancel: which means you're cancelling a higher damage someone is doing out effectively making it like they never attacked, or replacing their damage with your lower damage. If you're spamming a weapon or tech that is damage cancelling someone, JUST STOP. You're NOT HELPING. The easiest way to tell is if a enemy is living far longer than it usually should while you're attacking. This is one of the biggest peeves among players and will generally make people ignore or even blacklist you if you're persistent with it. Please don't be afraid to attack enemies or play with others, but realize that if you're dmc'ing someone that you should stop.
[WARNING/Disclaimer] This guide is very VERY long, contains many gameplay "spoilers" (in that I'm holding your hand). It is meant for struggling, new, or long returning players. There is also some harsh criticism so you've been fairly warned on that. I'd suggest not wasting your time if you're just here to complain as I'll ignore it. Realize that most, if not all of this is my opinion and from my experience so take it as such. I do not wish to rule how you play, only give you guidance.
This thread/Guide is not for you if:
-You know enough about pso and its general mechanics to play without my assistance
-You like figuring mechanics of gameplay and tricks out on your own
-You cant take criticism in order to better yourself
-You're looking for outright builds/equipment suggestions.
-You're looking to troubleshoot running the game/crash/connection issues. Please take those to Ephinea's technical support section, NOT TETH SOFTWARE.
This thread/guide IS FOR YOU if:
-certain enemies keep killing you and you don't have a solution
-You get stuck in enemy groups
-You get blamed for the failure of your party
-You have trouble dealing with certain mobs
-You want to know more and expand your knowledge on the game
-You have no idea why people say you "play your class wrong!?!"
PLEASE PLEASE IF I MISSED SOMETHING or said something incorrect, tell me! I'm not perfect or above correction and if something is wrong, I'll correct it.

Also, this guide is ctrl+f friendly so if you wanna find something please just search it. Like "Olga flow" or "Dorphon" or "Megid" by example. =)
---=Info and terminology key for this guide and general gameplay=---
NT: No target, when a enemy has spawned with no target-able interaction from the player. This happens due the enemy being targetted too early or the targets not loading at all. Re-entering the room to trigger the interaction usually fixes this.
s/d/j/z: shifta and deband/Jellen and Zalure, people asking you to buff them and debuff enemies. If you're the highest buff or debuff in the party people shouldn't have to ask, yes even if you're a HUmar.
FT: Freeze trap , for dangerous mobs, or mobs with high evasion. Freezing an enemy helps them become easier to hit as it lowers evasion, essential for some classes like Melee FO's who want to help out with demons. When a enemy is Freeze trapped do not try to unfreeze them, just hit them.
CT: Confuse trap, for exp tagging or dangerous mobs which you can confuse and run out of the room to let them kill eachother. Do not use these in groups of baranz/garanz, ilgil, and especially deldepth or any mobs that people have been frozen, it will unfreeze them.
DT: damage traps. Useful for killing slimes over their spawn point or tagging enemy groups for experience. Can also break rappy spawns if the trap explodes over their spawn point while they're in the air, causing the next wave to come before rappy is killed. Never saw this before ephinea so im not sure if its a bug specific to this server or something that's known. They're also useful to spam inbetween attacks on lizards to increase the total DPS and clear them out faster.
pipe: Telepipe, almost self explanatory but some people dont get it. Most of the time people are asking for you to put a telepipe down so they can join you.
RM: remake room, usually due to bugged joining process, invisible players, or if someone d/c
RES: This means the room is reserved for players ahead of time. I will encourage you to please use passwords for your games ahead of time to avoid unnecessary drama. If you have someone invading your passworded room because you said it in the lobby, inform a staff member or blacklist them.
CK: Combo kill, the ability to kill a single enemy or group of enemies in 1 combo chain.
PB: Photon blast (mylla and youlla), estlla, golla, farlla, pilla, and Leilla):
When you have 100 PB in your photon blast gauge, you can call for a chain Photon blast which will give you a boosted shifta and deband when combining Mylla and youlla with other PB's. Photon blast chains can be donated to by hitting your emote key/button and donating 10, 20 or 30 pb points to the chain. Each press of the emote key adds 10 from your gauge, 30 being of more effect than 20 and so on. Chains with twins+2 other PBs/2 or 3 donates gives you super s/d. Keep note that in the PB chain you cannot chain twins back to back, there has to be another photon blast inbetween them for it to work with dual twins.
EFR/EIC/etc: Elemental resistances (fire, ice, lightning, light, dark) you might need to survive certain things like Epsilons rafoie, wizards megid and grants, or opts gizonde.
split: Someone calling on you as someone with techs (human/newman) to cast rabarta and split blue slimes to search for red ones. This is most common on Redria so keep an eye for the ID so as not to randomly damage trap slimes and anger people. You can also split slimes on every 3rd attack of your weapon if you have no rabarta. You can do a trick by cancelling your attacks hitbox by opening and closing menu quickly twice, then hitting with the 3rd attack only. Your combo can still be continued after the menu is opened and closed, and The timing for attacks is lenient but this takes some practice. Alternatively you can use a very low ata weapon and miss with specials until the 3rd attack comes out.
Reduced: The effects of a weapon's special are reduced. Effects for hell, chaos, blizzard, storm, and burning are reduced when on a Diska, shot, sword, mechgun, and partisan. They all suffer reductions to efficiency. Casts cannot effectively use demons either, and suffer a class reduction. Most likely due to having traps available.
boosts: contrary to reductions, certain classes get a boost to things. Casts have naturally better arrest, freeze, confusion activation in ult. While classes like the forces have their own tech boosts. No class gets a boost to demons or Hell, just to note. Noteworthy are FOmarl and FOmar's grants boost, Foney's si tech boost, Fonewm's gi tech and ra tech boost, and Fomars gi tech boost.
activation: After a special attack connects, it has a chance to activate the special. Having hit on your weapon only increases the chance for the attack itself to connect, the special itself still has to activate. V501 and V502 specifically boost activation of specials. It's usually good to have a plan that encompasses using these if you're a RA/HU. Keep in mind that v502's main difference from v501 is that v502 boosts hell more. V501 is still valuable in its own right, and neither boost demons.
SNS: A bug with attacks which makes the first special attack take the accuracy of a normal shot if you do the normal shot just before the special hits. Mostly used with SOF (slicer of fanatic) by Fomarls because of their attack animation, though any class can do it.
Gizonde/needle or "I'll lock": Someone calling that they'll take care of volopt's screen phase by either gizonde or spread needle locking opt in place to damage him behind the screen. Which means DO NOT WRECK THE SCREENS. Let them do it. If they screw up or cant do it then you can take over. Sometimes because of desynch pillars will spawn anyways, in which case just kill the red pillars to control opt.
DMC or Damage cancel: which means you're cancelling a higher damage someone is doing out effectively making it like they never attacked, or replacing their damage with your lower damage. If you're spamming a weapon or tech that is damage cancelling someone, JUST STOP. You're NOT HELPING. The easiest way to tell is if a enemy is living far longer than it usually should while you're attacking. This is one of the biggest peeves among players and will generally make people ignore or even blacklist you if you're persistent with it. Please don't be afraid to attack enemies or play with others, but realize that if you're dmc'ing someone that you should stop.
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