Ephinea's Christmas Event

It's top 5 as in the top 5 times that will be obtained, so it could be up to 20 players, or it could be as little as 8-9.
If you have a better idea then, by all means, speak up instead of trying to be cute on the Internet.
I agree with Duck's first post on the point of those rares being a bit too good. I appreciate the precision that goes into TA but cmon...=\
I must agree on thinking about removing the Summit Moon from the list. It's easy to make (50h Clubs can be found in shops too), and Moola Rock is easy to find, while at the same time, it's meant for casting pretty much, not to mention it doesn't cost much to buy.
I do understand the Magical Piece though as that's a 50pd item that you can get for free via TA.
(Yes, the items are really good, that's the point. I understand the list might be controversial since it's not "fair" to people who don't care about TA, but nothing in the list is unobtainable for that reason, you'll just need to grind for it.)

Here's my input:

...... Do people really consider them to be grindable? With 1% rate of hit chance and 1.44% rate of getting 50+ hit, getting a HS with 50+h is comparable to grinding ~7000 HS drops and getting Excalibur with 50+h is comparable to ~2300 Lame D'Argent drops. With rough estimate that require years of grinding even for people who play quite a bit, and that's just grinding 1 item and not playing anything else.
(Well, say you can get 1 HS a day (on average), that is ~20 years of playing.)

(Edit: Not entirely sure of the 1.44% chance for 50+h, but it's probably very low regardless; also consider getting a native excal with 50+h. Now you'll have to factor in the chance of getting native or nothing on 1 try since hit and kc takes the other two. )

I don't really know the items too well but 50h on some of them is really over-powered right (over-powered for an event reward)? Especially considering how difficult it is to get one naturally?

Now I've really wanted to try out the TA ever since Matt or NDW mentioned the rewards would be worth it, but without TA knowledge and proper TA classes and gear, I haven't managed to find a TA team so far (although that might change now the list is revealed.) Just to say that I've felt the event is difficult to access for some people, and now looking at the list, we really are kind of left out.
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I agree with Duck's first post on the point of those rares being a bit too good. I appreciate the precision that goes into TA but cmon...=\
I don't mean to be rude, but I feel that a lot of complaints here stem from "I won't be getting the reward, so it's too good." If 50H HS and Excaliburs were put in presents, I'm sure that people wouldn't be complaining (since everyone would be getting them, or have a chance at getting them with no sort of "bias"). However, the rewards for TA should be better than the present list IMO, because winning TA is something you have to be better than others at.

I do agree some stuff is a bit too strong though, I actually thought that myself when I was making the list, but figured I'd throw it out to see the reception.
I think its because all of the 50hit EP4 items are VERY HARD TO OBTAIN with the current 1% hitrate in that Episode.
tl:dr i don't like the highest tier items given away for any reason, unless they are gimmick/gimped
standard wall of text (i remembered the spoiler box this time n_n )
If 50H HS and Excaliburs were put in presents, I'm sure that people wouldn't be complaining
i dont think the highest tier shit should ever be given away, including the pwand, hp, sjs, etc in presents (PoM is good but it's not pwand. the PoM animation on newm is bad to the point i don't think its worth using, while pwand is a higher boost and better animation iirc. lavis without hit is already outclassed by other weapons)

the drop rate during xmas could be increased to help people hunting them, but they still have to hunt them
at least it wasn't a 50h hp or lavis in present that would be so over the top imo

it's fine, i'm not criticizing the presents or the event, for the most part all the non specials didnt seem stupid good but are still very nice to have

you shouldn't have to pay people to TA, either they wanna do it or not.
i'm leaning more and more towards shit from pags shop, since it does help you ta but it doesn't ta for you
and you still have to find your own quality gear in the first place

also the number of people that are being rewarded for placing in the ta events seems too high
should be the top 8 or so as to not just flood server with stuff that devalues actual hunting

I think its because all of the 50hit EP4 items are VERY HARD TO OBTAIN with the current 1% hitrate in that Episode.
this is a big reason ep2 hunts were always so meh like zanba for instance
item is amazing and looks amazing and sounds amazing but the chance of finding one with enough hit to really be useful is so low its hardly worth the effort

this whole post seems like im being hella negative but i'm really not trying to be just my thoughts/suggestions
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I don't mean to be rude, but I feel that a lot of complaints here stem from "I won't be getting the reward, so it's too good." If 50H HS and Excaliburs were put in presents, I'm sure that people wouldn't be complaining (since everyone would be getting them, or have a chance at getting them with no sort of "bias"). However, the rewards for TA should be better than the present list IMO, because winning TA is something you have to be better than others at.

I do agree some stuff is a bit too strong though, I actually thought that myself when I was making the list, but figured I'd throw it out to see the reception.

You'd be wrong lol, there's no point in putting that kind of stuff in presents this early. If I gotta be blunt This is simply the TA community scratching its own back. Not trying to be "that person" but things like this are way too good, they should be hunted. At least for the sake of fairness for those that cant compete with the TA community (which is my point here, you KNOW they cant) tone down the weapons hit.
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Colette you're not alone. i agree with your post.
Seems like the response to the reward list is overwhelmingly negative. How about we just keep it simple then? How about the reward list is simply to pick from a modified group of items that dropped from Presents during the holidays?

This is what I propose. (Note the weapons are slightly buffed and a couple of things were added like Photon Sphere and Liberta Kit.)

Photon Sphere
Dress Plate 4 Slot
Wedding Dress 4 Slot
Zanba 50 Hit
Monkey King Bar 50 Hit
Frozen Shooter 50 Hit
Slicer of Fanatic 50 Hit
Galatine 50 Hit
Red Merge
Resta Merge
Magic Stone "Iritista"
Rambling May 50 Hit
Amitie's Memo
Liberta Kit
Anti-Dark Ring
Anti-Light Ring
The "Ubers" are removed and it takes the gamble out of opening Presents, unless you actually pick the reward "Present" in which you'd have a low chance at an Uber... but you could get a Disk too...
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i would suck at least fifteen dicks for a 50h rambling may because you literally cannot hunt this item, let alone with hit

the thing is it's really only noteworthy for use on fomarl so it's less absurd than it seems on paper, but if it keeps coming up with every ta event then i guess its okay????

the worst part is i'm not sure if im joking or not about the dicksucking thing
Wow these prizes are kinda over kill. Why do 200 pod runs when u can do ta for 50 hit hs.....I quesS ill have to set records this week but still I feel like the prizes are way too good for what it is. I don't want free handouts not like this. It takes the fun away from the hunt. In my opinion I think the prizes should be toned down.