admiralpit Apr 3, 2016 Still not active, but I am alive. You may find me playing the new Monster Hunter when it comes this Summer if it helps.
Still not active, but I am alive. You may find me playing the new Monster Hunter when it comes this Summer if it helps.
admiralpit Feb 17, 2016 Don't worry. The angel is still alive. Just a boring and busy year so far, that's all. >_<
admiralpit Jan 30, 2016 So February's coming soon. What goodies luck during said month? We'll just have to see.
admiralpit Jan 29, 2016 Anime has claimed the Super Bounty! Surprisingly in under 6 hours. Enjoy your Adept, and be on the look out for more bounties!
Anime has claimed the Super Bounty! Surprisingly in under 6 hours. Enjoy your Adept, and be on the look out for more bounties!
admiralpit Jan 29, 2016 Super Bounty Time! For the one who can find my "Dream" Asteron Belt will get an Adept as a reward! Get your Bluefulls and Pinkals set!
Super Bounty Time! For the one who can find my "Dream" Asteron Belt will get an Adept as a reward! Get your Bluefulls and Pinkals set!
admiralpit Jan 26, 2016 2 new bounties are up. Seeking God/Tech and Hit Cannon Rouge, and give Three Seals and V502 + H/battle respectively as rewards.
2 new bounties are up. Seeking God/Tech and Hit Cannon Rouge, and give Three Seals and V502 + H/battle respectively as rewards.
admiralpit Jan 23, 2016 Change of plans: 55h diska with dark is what I'm after... And that hit Asteron Belt.
admiralpit Jan 23, 2016 Bounty request! Hit Diska 60h or higher, with dark attr. 12pd reward minimum.
admiralpit Jan 16, 2016 My FOmar guide is finally up! Hope it proves to be useful to player, and gives the class a bit more rep.
My FOmar guide is finally up! Hope it proves to be useful to player, and gives the class a bit more rep.
admiralpit Jan 2, 2016 Even though I didn't get a special present, I did get to Lv200, a bit of econ, and my Magical Piece. Hit A-belt is next task.
Even though I didn't get a special present, I did get to Lv200, a bit of econ, and my Magical Piece. Hit A-belt is next task.
admiralpit Dec 30, 2015 And to this day, a FO finally reached Lv200, and it was a FOmar. What history it was.