Quick question - Quick answer

Hey guys, so I'm a ranger and I'm wondering if a Zalure handgun or rifle would be better. Any thoughts?

Something i've been considering recently, but it depends what your using it for...

Needle best with ft
Arms depends on how spread a spawn is.

Launcher for Bosses

Handgun/Rifle are ok if you're cheap.

The thing with zalure is that it's a guaranteed hit providing the target doesn't manually evade. Needles and Arms can be used to hit multiple targets, while the launcher can guarantee no bosses are able to dodge (Barbra I'm looking at you). If you only play RA these are much better options than a HG/Rifle.
I got the s shot for zal when i started out on my racl. Its just more accessible since its from ep1 challenge. Its a nice powerful shot for starting out even if you can't put the special on it immediately.
Lost Devil's Sceptre has the most, or it's at least the most efficient way to hunt them
hey guys, what quest has the most mericarols?
As anime mentioned, Devil's Sceptre has 3 in the first room, which is quite easy to reset and farm again. Theres like 8 or 9 total in the first half of the quest, but you need to go through so much other crap to get there, its not worth it.
IMO Arrest needle is the most important ''first srank'' to get; for crowd control, especially if your a solo player. Then I'd get Hell Needle + Demons Mechs. RAmar has the ATP to do damage where needed unlike RAmarl so I would priortise Demons/Zerk Needle after those because Charge Arms are easily accesible not to mention OP Baranz fun. Then You can eventually go on to Zerk Launchers, Hell Scythes, Zal Weaponry etc
I'm wondering if someone better at math/game mechanics than me could give me more insight into /Power units vs /Luck units. I imagine that Power units are more effective at lower levels and weaker ATPs in general since they are additive while criticals are more like a percentage increase. But I'm wondering where that tipping point is, if it indeed exists.
I thought I saw this somewhere but forgot where, are the multiple "memory cards" per account? I wanted to make a RAcast but already have 4 chars, and was hoping to not have to erase one. (Really I'm just trying to transfer items to a 5th character, but wasn't sure of the best way to go about it) I have a HUcast at lvl 43 I could recreate, but was hoping for an alternate method.
Yes, there are multiple character slots per account. You can change them using the launcher (the top right, Slot 01-04 is the default). You can also change in game using /cbank command. For example /cbank 1 to go to slots 01-04, /cbank 2 for slots 05-08, and so on.

Note that your shared bank is accessible by all of the characters on the account.
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Yes, there are multiple character slots per account. You can change them using the launcher (the top right, Slot 01-04 is the default). You can also change in game using /cbank command. For example /cbank 1 to go to slots 01-04, /cbank 2 for slots 05-08, and so on.

Note that your shared bank is accessible by all of the characters on the account.
Gracias! I kept going past that point and looking for a slot change option.
Does anyone have a list of quests with highest box counts per area? (Assuming quests get higher box counts than just normal area runs.) Trying to get a recovery barrier to make a resta merge
Recovery Barrier is better to be obtained from Gallon's Shop for 1 PD.
Why does a freeze trap activate a second time under some circumstances, right when monsters are about to get unfrozen?
Is it % based or can anything be done to always get it?