Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

Been keeping my eye on this for a long time now. Glad to see we'll be able to get our hands dirty with it soon. Thanks for the amount of work you've put into this.
Been keeping my eye on this for a long time now. Glad to see we'll be able to get our hands dirty with it soon. Thanks for the amount of work you've put into this.

Thanks, its been a long haul :confused: Hopefully it will be soon but that depends on Soly's success with his server software as many of the rebalanced stats are reliant on the rebalancing of other mechanics I only have access to with the new server.

Whats the best way to be notified when the alpha is live?
I will be posting here when it is available, as well as in the discord and on my twitter and reddit pages. Easiest way would probably be just to subscribe to this thread so you get notifications.
Since this project is built around breaking the game down and rebuilding it, I don't feel so bad about posting this.

I've always wondered if it would be possible to implement some kind of "talent tree" or similar system in this game that offers small, built-in bonuses to your character that aren't based on weapon/armor/unit/etc things. I'm not sure it would actually add anything to the game, but if the talents were kept sane it could offer players better control over their builds and tweak characters to be more specialized, more well-rounded, or more interesting. Much like in other games with similar systems, the talents would be tiered and become available at set levels, you would have your choice between a number of talents which would all be equally useful in some way, etc.

This is all dependent on whether it's even possible. Could be interesting though. Make a "shop" quest where you can access your talents, charge Photon Drops to activate/reset talents, etc. This would provide yet another place to sink PDs and have some effect on the economy.

I don't know the first thing about making these sorts of changes to the game though, so it's probably impossible.
Since this project is built around breaking the game down and rebuilding it, I don't feel so bad about posting this.

I've always wondered if it would be possible to implement some kind of "talent tree" or similar system in this game that offers small, built-in bonuses to your character that aren't based on weapon/armor/unit/etc things. I'm not sure it would actually add anything to the game, but if the talents were kept sane it could offer players better control over their builds and tweak characters to be more specialized, more well-rounded, or more interesting. Much like in other games with similar systems, the talents would be tiered and become available at set levels, you would have your choice between a number of talents which would all be equally useful in some way, etc.

This is all dependent on whether it's even possible. Could be interesting though. Make a "shop" quest where you can access your talents, charge Photon Drops to activate/reset talents, etc. This would provide yet another place to sink PDs and have some effect on the economy.

I don't know the first thing about making these sorts of changes to the game though, so it's probably impossible.

You guess correctly about this being "Impossible" :confused:

Technically its not, but it would require a level of effort most people working on this game don't have time for. Hacking a game you don't have the source code for is hard enough, trying to add or change things and then recompile it without everything exploding in your face is even harder. And its an online game to boot, where client/server interactions add a whole other layer of moving parts to break.

If interest in this game continues, we may very well see stuff like this, but i would not hold your breath. This project is using all of the latest tools developed by the community, and even with its very basic changes to numbers i still do not have all the tools I would need, hence why I haven't released an Alpha yet ;)

Though don't worry, changes like this are definitely things I will look into as soon as I have the ability to do so. For now I need to go to college and learn Software Development so I can actually contribute directly rather than just making use of community tools. So watch this space ^^
Hello! sorry to bump a year old post, but I was just curious if there’s been any progress on this project? All the changes sound great!
Yes, I am still alive ;)

Very busy though, so haven't had any real time to sit down and do anything with this for a while. Things have progressed a fair bit since I first laid out my development manifesto, so i would also expect that to change.

Otherwise its the same deal: To complete my balance redesign I need access to specific aspects of the game for which no real tool exists. I do have way more than I used to though, and If I find time to get in contact with certain other members of the community (Hello Ives :p ) I might get the rest.

College starts soon for me, by which point I will be receiving a student loan that should free up a bunch of time for me, so i may very well find myself working on this along with college work.

In short, keep watching this space. i'm not dead, and im determined to make this happen. Just as soon as life stops being a bitch :D
Awesome, thanks for the reply! Glad to hear you’re still working on this and have made some progress, this is an awesome project that you have going on here, I’m definitely excited to see it progress!
How have you been Fire? Is there any new thoughts or ideas that got cooked up while you get schooled?
I'm doing quite well, though I remain busy.

There are plenty of things I am planning to do, and a large part of the project is complete, but there remain quite a few things i need access to that are still outside my reach.

The main thing right now is since I have changed the player's base stats so much, i need to have access to the damage some enemies and many bosses do which aren't affected by their base stats, otherwise one-shots galore ;)

Ives said a while back he was working on documenting exactly this, but I've not heard from him since so I'm kinda left in limbo here. There are other things I can work on in the meantime though, but this is fairly important.

EDIT: Ives got in contact with me, but he has been really busy and the information he has is not complete and won't be published for a while yet :(
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This looks like an awesome project. I'm really liking most of the changes and you reasoning behind them. Keep up the good work and keep us updated on it!
This looks like an awesome project. I'm really liking most of the changes and you reasoning behind them. Keep up the good work and keep us updated on it!

Thank you, though keep in mind the manifesto is currently fairly out of date. I will get round to rewriting it soon as I have changed my mind on a few things on there, though the general gist remains the same.
I have rewritten the Manifesto, see if you can spot the differences ;)

Maybe you should have a change log? (thats a lot of work, I know)

The only things that i noticed was your changes to special attacks dealing decent damage and making materials rare and no longer able to cap stats. at least I think those are different, I've only read through it once before.
Maybe you should have a change log? (thats a lot of work, I know)

Indeed, ill try to list the changes here:

Changed the multipliers for every attack type, significantly reducing them to allow for a similar reduction in enemy DFP. The result being durable bosses without weird DFP walls.

Materials are no longer completely removed, instead they are simply very rare. All characters now have a usage limit of 250 for stat materials and 100 for HP/TP

Unit boosts have been reduced and, along with materials, are no longer required for reaching max stats. With the overall shrunk values despite these reductions materials and units remain very powerful while levelling, but stat units are no longer required at endgame freeing up slots for utility.

Shifta, Deband, Jellen and Zalure values have been drastically reduced, starting at a 5% buff/debuff scaling up to 20%. This has allowed a narrowing of difference between Offline and Online stats, which means characters without these techniques don't feel either completely powerless in Offline mode or unstoppable gods in Online mode.

Weapons now have a damage range from their listed ATP to zero, making damage far more random overall. This has the side-effect of also making Shifta affect your entire ATP.

Changed the mag feeding table a bit:
Mates = ++POW, -Everything Else, ++Sync
Fluids = ++MIND, -Everything Else, ++IQ
Antiparalysis = +DEX & MIND, -Everything Else, +Sync & IQ
Antidote = +DEX & POW, -Everything Else, +IQ & Sync
Sol Atomiser = ++DEX, -Everything Else, +IQ & Sync
Moon Atomiser = --Everything
Star Atomiser = +++DEF, --Everything Else, +++IQ & Sync

I think that's everything :)