Team Monolith

Greetings everyone, I've been playing daily for the last while and would like to find some regulars to join up with. I got into this when a streamer friend played it recently and just wanted to experience this joy of a game again!!!

I can't say I'd be familiar with how teams work but I'm a quick learner and I enjoy helping others out so hopefully you all have some space for me and can find it in your heart to let me in!!

Player name: Niarra (Ramarl)
SID: Greenill
GC: 42053594

Btw I did join the Discord as a guest (same name as here DraconicDood) just don't use discord for much but have a mic and such so could chat if that helps.
Greetings everyone, I've been playing daily for the last while and would like to find some regulars to join up with. I got into this when a streamer friend played it recently and just wanted to experience this joy of a game again!!!

I can't say I'd be familiar with how teams work but I'm a quick learner and I enjoy helping others out so hopefully you all have some space for me and can find it in your heart to let me in!!

Player name: Niarra (Ramarl)
SID: Greenill
GC: 42053594

Btw I did join the Discord as a guest (same name as here DraconicDood) just don't use discord for much but have a mic and such so could chat if that helps.
Niiiiiaaaa~! *POUNCES and Hugs!*
I've read a few pages here but I can't seem to find where to apply for the team...? Thanks for any help!
Well Bungies~! Looks like you FOUND IT! All we need to do now is FIND you to ASSIMEWLATE ya'! Actually, mew or any of her other vice captains~! <3
Hey, I just joined ephinea a few days ago. This teams sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. :)
Are ya'll still recruiting?
We are normally FULL luv....Buuuuut mew can always punt someone she deems inactive and assimewlate you~! Just kick her kitty coffin here on the forums and let her know when you're online! <3!
Haha mk. :3 Um, who's mew? Are you mew? O.o
I'm online now.
Also, I have one question. If one of my characters join, are all of my characters on the team?
Haha mk. :3 Um, who's mew? Are you mew? o_O
I'm online now.
Also, I have one question. If one of my characters join, are all of my characters on the team?
Mew is mew! X3! That Never gets old~! Yes dear....Team membership is account wide! Enroute online to hunt you down! Rhayne is your character name yes?? =3
Now i am :D... My name ingame is Steina.
ACK! 0926AM huh??? *Kitty coffin lid slowly creaks shut* Your mew is Rarely if ever online during early morning hours dear! XD! Hmmmm... we'll just have to schedule some time we can assimewlate you...or have one of mew's other Plushie Arch-types pounce and recruit ya! <3!