Team Monolith


Prima Undine
Monolith logo_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1 copy copy.PNG
About Monolith:
_Monolith is a team, a family, that like to play together/help each-others and have a pleasant time. We're not aiming to be at the top, we're just playing for the sake of having fun. That's it. Wew. :3

Joining Monolith:

is free to apply to the team, as long as you're mature and polite. It doesn't matter if you're casual or play like a speed demon.

Unlocked Privileges:

Team Quest: Point of Disaster (POD)
Team Quest: The Robots' Reckoning
Team Flag
Dressing Room
Member Limits 20
Member Limits 40
Member Limits 70
Member Limits 100

Team Leaders:
@Harborer of Hope - Leader
@Jyuki - Founder & Officer
@TaoChaos - Officer
(Currently inactive)
@Syncytium - Officer (Currently inactive)
@Archivebit -
Officer (Currently inactive)

Our team lobby is Fodra:01-08.

Feel free to contact any of us on forum/in-game or post here to join the team.
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When mew first saw that epic flag, she immediately thought it was a Honeycomb Reflector and instantly got Jelly! lol. With Jyukies-Taichou at the helm, all should be fun and well! Highly Endorse Monolith as well! <3! So many new teams on the rise! =3
Hey guys! We are only 20 points or so away from unlocking Dressing Room, so you got no excuse anymore not to join us! =P
Hey, been online a lot lately, and I figured it's high time to join a team. The name's Matt, and you'll normally see me playing as my RaMar named Gilgamesh, or my HuNewearl named Azaria either raising mags, or grinding for money to raise mags. That is, until I finally get all my planned mags to level 200.

I played the game solo on gamecube from the year it released to about 2010 when classes got pretty intense. I've put in more hours in this game than pretty much any other I've played. I never played online before joining Ephinea, so I'm still new to some of the nuances of it, but I'm getting a feel for it. I'm also really rusty, so I do make some pretty dumb mistakes and oversights. My levels on my characters are all currently pathetically low as well, but I'm working on that. Slowly but surely, I'll get there.

I'm planning on being pretty active from here on out, so plan to see me a few times a week if life stays stable. (we all know it won't)

So, Will you have me? I figure it'd be fun. :wacko:
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Hey, been online a lot lately, and I figured it's high time to join a team. The name's Matt, and you'll normally see me playing as my RaMar named Gilgamesh, either raising mags, or grinding for money to raise mags. That is, until I finally get all my planned mags to level 200.

I played the game solo on gamecube from the year it released to about 2010 when classes got pretty intense. I've put in more hours in this game than pretty much any other I've played. I never played online before joining Ephinea, so I'm still new to some of the nuances of it, but I'm getting a feel for it. I'm also really rusty, so I do make some pretty dumb mistakes and oversights. My levels on my characters are all currently pathetically low as well, but I'm working on that. Slowly but surely, I'll get there.

I'm planning on being pretty active from here on out, so plan to see me a few times a week if life stays stable. (we all know it won't)

So, Will you have me? I figure it'd be fun. :wacko:
Gilga-saaaaan! *Pounces!* Team Monolith are good ppl! And since mew mew's already played wiff you she can vouch for your judge of character dear! You're good ppl too! =3