What is your favorite character to play?

HUnewearl, easily.

I know people suggested FOmarl for swapping between weapons and tech but HUneys still go to tech level 20 (out of 25) and only lose out on 3 skills compared to a force. Additionally, as Hunters they can use the largest variety of armor/shields/weapons. Forces are simply not able to use the same scope of weapons as hunters/rangers. Finally, their MST limit STILL exceeds any non-force class/race/gender and is still close to FOmarl (Max for HUney is only 107 less than the max for FOmarl).

They might have the lowest HP of Hunters, but the ability to wipe fields of enemies almost as well as an actual Force while using a large variety of weapons makes her much more flexible than FOmarl.
I would just like to take this opportunity to hate on what was once my favorite class, the poor HUmar. They went from Gods in DC v1 to what I would argue are absolutely useless in Blue Burst. Why would you ever play one? Want a hunter with techs? Hunewearl does it better. When you take techs out of the equation you might as well be playing HUcast for that sweet raw power.

They demons better than Hucast (cause their demons isn't reduced) and can use Flowen's sword and holy ray (at end game levels almost). Oh and w/o a force or lady around they are...back up back up supports (and are better at it than Ramar IMO, at least).

Sadly j/z 15, s/d 3, resta 15, very limited crowd control attack techs, working demons, use of the best overall no strings attached sword in the game, somewhat safer dark flow (jellen+resta along with mats), and a "workable" long range option (I mean its no bringer's rifle but it will do) isn't worth the loss of traps, boosts to arrest, confuse, immunity to para/poison, and auto trap vision (oh and 250 or so attack).

But yeah they are in sort of the same situation as Racaseal is compared to Racast, only worse off cause people will at least say that the only reason Racaseal isn't "good" is because of Racast (and only because he has 175 more atp than her). They even have less potential ata til level 180 unlike the Racaseal comparison. Their main issue really though is Hucast just sort of flares up and beats Humar at a certain point with no mercy and Humar just drops off. Hell until level 110 or so Humar has the 2nd highest hp gains in the game (and they still have a workable hp pool even when Ramar, Racast, and Racaseal also start to beat them, Hell by 200 they have base hp alone 1420, which is a good working HP number). And by level 150 or so they are only 120 or so atp behind the Hucast. Which translates to 24 less damage or so total. Its just that Hucast gets sort of 250 more max atp then they do in the end.

Which is kind of funny how broken that is when compared to the others. I mean the next highest attack is only 50 or so off from Humar. Then class wise Humar and Hucaseal only have a 100 or so difference in attack but she has 18 more max ata than Humar and also has to deal with being on average the most physical fragile Hunter. Hunewearl has a 160 difference in attack but has far better techs, and has pretty much the same ata as Humar. So one has to wonder why Hucast having 250 off from Humar was balanced in anyway.

Then again Sega sort of dropped the ball on balance anyway. I mean support wise 15 j/z isn't so bad. Its better than spending 60+ pds to get a single target zalure that is only level 21 (which isn't that big of a difference compared to level 20 vs level 30 techs). But still 6 other characters can do his job better support wise.

HUnewearl, easily.

I know people suggested FOmarl for swapping between weapons and tech but HUneys still go to tech level 20 (out of 25) and only lose out on 3 skills compared to a force. Additionally, as Hunters they can use the largest variety of armor/shields/weapons. Forces are simply not able to use the same scope of weapons as hunters/rangers. Finally, their MST limit STILL exceeds any non-force class/race/gender and is still close to FOmarl (Max for HUney is only 107 less than the max for FOmarl).

They might have the lowest HP of Hunters, but the ability to wipe fields of enemies almost as well as an actual Force while using a large variety of weapons makes her much more flexible than FOmarl.

Techs go to level 30 actually. And even the difference between level 29 razonde and level 20 is pretty big. Razonde 29 covers medium sized rooms for example where as 20 only covers 75% or so of a medium sized room. You might not think that means much but when the room is filled with instant death flowers missing 1 or 2 of them to stop their spit might cost you. I should also point out that level 20 s/d isn't enough to block off the debuffs of Gi Gue and Red robots of ep2, which some people might not get. Granted she can cure debuffs with anti 6 but so can a sol atom.

Also weapon wise I'm pretty sure that besides dark flow, bkb, dls/twin swords, and flowen's sword Hunters really don't have much of a plus over Fo end game wise when it comes to weapons. Yunchang alone I honestly don't like as much as Tyrell's parasol (yeah there is a 100 atp attack difference on average but that is equal to only 20 more damage. 40 more damage if both are at 100% in a stat. That is only equal to about 5% or a little more damage). Fo's get bringer's rifle, and can slap on holy ray a lot easier for however much that means. Fomarl also gets vivi and tyrell's, which while not as good as bkb/dls and flowen's are not that bad. And to help cement her role as a white mage she gets uber slicer and rambling may animations (white mages are on average better at combat than black mages and sages, but behind red mages). I mean yeah Hunewearl of course does more damage than Fomarl, but its only cause of having 365 or so more atp man. Not because of weapons alone. Granted she can use last swan very well where as LS is sort of meh on Fomarl as well.

And I would consider Hunewearl far more bulky than Hucaseal myself. Extra defense and jellen/deband 20 n all makes her a lot easier to keep alive solo and only 3 levels off hp wise. But Fomarl is more bulky than both of them when it comes to some things IMO. Level 30 deband/jellen and 3 seals, glide divine. Hunewearl also only reaches certain hp milestones about 5-8 (later levels vs early levels) levels ahead compared to Fomarl as well.
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I initially picked the character up because she was adorable ^_^ That in and of itself is enough for me, but I also find her a really fun character to play. I can support my team really well with crowd control by use of overpowered traps and arrest. She can really help a team still with damage despite her low ATP since charge arms has such a wide reach and can easily finish off enemies that have been hit by demons, etc.

She has a variety of great tools. PW 4 is great fun to play with her as I can play the quest very cleanly with all the various weapons available to her such as demons laser and mechguns, frozen shooter, etc

She is a great solo character as well and can clear quests reasonably well in one player mode such as the PW quests, EN Series, etc.

Plus, pink racaseal + Elenor is the cutest thing in the game, even exceeding Fomarl alt+m D:

She may be outclassed by some characters but unless you are TAing that really doesn't matter as every character is certainly viable, outside of Fonewm, who is so hideous, renders me unable to play due to the retinal damage :)
I like playing RAmarl because I can tech like a FO but DPS with the rest of the RAs. Best used with a party of 3 casts because I can digivolve them into Ultra-Mega-Casts with my S/D
Started playing a HUmar again like the glory days of Dreamcast - only to remember how much they got gutted since then. :(

So I've started playing a FOmar, which I mained on Gamecube... having a way better time in group play as FO than I did trying to slog through solo on GC (didn't have a network adaptor!)

It's been nice to see that they're good, and everyones opinions on the classes in this thread!
I should point out that the main reason Humar really only seems bad is because of Hucast not being balanced right.

Take the base damage of everyone with max atp and applying shifta 30 and you'll see my point:
176 foney
244 fonewn
261 fomarl
299 fomar
342 ramarl
357 racasey
369 huney
375 ramar
395 hucasey
409 racast
416 humar
494 hucast

Keep in mind that d. parts and rr where put on this as much as possible, but those only apply extra damage after shifta 30.

Look at how stupid hucast is base damage wise. To compare the gap between hucast and humar is bigger than the gap between fomar and fonewn. Fomar is suppose to be your main melee fo (option along with fomarl, who gets it from items more than stats and in general is the best at support as well to even it out).

My point is Humar himself is fine. Its hucast that should have been nerfed at some point if sega had wanted to balance this game (and Racast as well by a small amount. With Racasey and on a smaller scale Foney as well getting a buff but that is a different topic).

Hunter wise they are actually all pretty balanced IMO if you take out Hucast in the data. The power difference between Huney and Humar isn't that bad (47 and Huney is suppose to be a supporting fighter so it works out). Hucasey gives up a bit of the other stats and in general is the most overall fragile Hu for a +18 ata to every weapon vs Humar. Its really only thrown off when you put hucast in there. Who for some sort of reason has an attack class above the attack classes.
HUmar is an amazing class if you play it right. But it's probably the most played class in history thus getting a bad rep easily.
HUmar is an amazing class if you play it right. But it's probably the most played class in history thus getting a bad rep easily.
I think that's part of why it gets a bad rep, but also some people (who are skilled pso players) have told me to be the worst char in vanilla BB.
Imo its not, but i have it next to the bottom. No SD and huct has arrest boost much more atp and FT which are so useful.
Yes humar has demons but when demons is needed generally 1 fo can do that job fine.
Definitely fun to use but i don't think they are amazing (traps are quite handy for hu given that they use df/and zerk a lot).
I agree with Rune that with huct taken out of the hu's its not bad but still the worst hu imo.
No way, i'd have Humar on par with Hucaseal (only because of FT) above Hunewearl.
Also before I forget. This really only applies to Humars and Hunewearls but Excalibur bumps up your mst stat. Higher MST means your barta techs are more likely to freeze. I switch to excalibur and spam rabarta level 15 with v801 until the enemies are frozen. It's very effective.
No way, i'd have Humar on par with Hucaseal (only because of FT) above Hunewearl.
Nah traps are the best thing in pso which makes hucl> humar. Arrest is also v nice. I wouldn't say by a huge amount but traps dont just benefit you they benefit the whole party and make things go quicker and smoother (obviously). Stats wise one could argue ramar> ract but having been playing fo a lot recently I see just how useful FT is.

With a fo present humar>hunl but hunl has more uses and her atp is enough, s and zal with clio is nice. She isn't a huge amount better than humar overall but she has more uses. Humar would never be used in TA. Same could be said of hucaseal also.

People just credit humar with having the 2nd highest atp but he has no shifta or ft, and his attack is significantly lower than hucast. He also doesn't have access to an ata boost past class limit until lvl 180.
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QUOTE="VENOM, post: 79656, member: 1664"]Nah traps are the best thing in pso which makes hucl> humar. Arrest is also v nice. I wouldn't say by a huge amount but traps dont just benefit you they benefit the whole party and make things go quicker and smoother (obviously). Stats wise one could argue ramar> ract but having been playing fo a lot recently I see just how useful FT is.

With a fo present humar>hunl but hunl has more uses and her atp is enough, s and zal with clio is nice. She isn't a huge amount better than humar overall but she has more uses. Humar would never be used in TA. Same could be said of hucaseal also.

People just credit humar with having the 2nd highest atp but he has no shifta or ft, and his attack is significantly lower than hucast. He also doesn't have access to an ata boost past class limit until lvl 180.[/QUOTE]

Not everyone cares for TA. Stating Humar wouldn't be used in TA means nothing to me or towards how great/bad he is or may be. He's an a great class which is just outshadowed by HUcasts crazy ass trap+atp combo. With HUcast around in terms of TA, all Hu's become redundant and probably most other classes, not that I would know as I don't TA. This doesn't make them any less good/useable within parties because TA isn't everything. Also HUnl will never be better than HUmar because at that point you may as well have a RAmarl in the party to support.. The only reason I bring HUcaseal to HUmar level is because of her traps, HUmar is far better traps aside so the traps bring her up to par IMO. His ATP is nothing to laugh at, he can barehand cast with Rab/JZR, SNS Arrest works more than enough regardless of no arrest boosts and easy access to OP demons. I think the balance between HUcaseal and HUmar is pretty well done and they are oon par with one another.
HUcaseal is easily better than HUmar because her ATA lets her also hit things a lot more. DF does more damage (because more waves hit), mechs do more damage (because you can ramp up one of the attacks, i.e. NSS vs NHS), and so on and so forth. 1391 ATP or whatever it is, is really not that much better than HUcaseal.

But compared to RA, HU is kinda shit. HUcast vs RAcast just works because HUcast has 300 extra ATP, and if you're in a group that controls, he's a lot better.
I don't think its nearly enough ATA to say she's better or benefit over HUmar, besides HUmar can easily just access better hit weapons and do exactly the same. The only benefit she has is traps. Saying she is better based on that is like saying Fomarl is better than FOmar at melle but that is clearly not the case. All factors included HUmar is much better than HUcaseal before traps IMO.
I'm gonna post before this thread becomes a balance circlejer-

My favorite char to play is RAcaseal cause I enjoy Berserk Needle & Cute Robot & Freeze Traps...

RAmarl is my 2nd favorite, but playing without freeze traps can be obnoxious... enough that playing a non-cast feels like a severe handicap lately (in public games, which is most of what I play.)
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HUcast is not broken, the other HUs are too weak.

Joking aside I can prove that Hucast is broken in case my base damage example showing that difference character wise was not enough.

This damage was done using a charge vulcan hit on a Goran Detonator (defense of 1017)

hunewearl 634 (810 with shifta and deband 30)
fomar 604
ramarl 561 (730 with shifta and deband 30)
hucast 551 (770 with shifta 20), (770 with zalure 21), (979 with shifta and zalure 20), (1188 with shifta 30 and zalure 30)

humar 537 (723 with shifta 20), (763 with shifta and zalure 20), (952 with shifta and zalure 30)
fomarl 488
fonewn 438
ramar 391, (441 with shifta 20), (610 with shifta 15 and zalure 21), (654 with shifta and zalure 20), (830 with shifta and zalure 30)

hucaseal 322 (498 with shifta 20), (541 with zalure 21), (707 with shifta and zalure 20), (889 with shifta and zalure 30)
racast 252 (534 with shifta 20), (471 with zalure 21), (747 with shifta and zalure 20), (932 with shifta and zalure 30)
fonewearl 232
racaseal 149 (395 with shifta 20), (368 with zalure 21), (607 with shifta and zalure 20), (776 with shifta and zalure 30)

Anyway if Hucast with shifta and zalure 30 applied doing 1/5th of a Detonator's health with a charge bullet while the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best atp characters can only do 1/7th of their health doesn't show that Hucast was broken I guess look at the smaller numbers.

The 1st number were done with the natural amount of damage a character can do with almost no pd investment if for some reason you want to run around solo (with the exception of s-red's blade which really is more for Humar's sake than Hucast's, cause without s-red Hucast still lands at 424 damage which only proves my point more when he is a lot stronger than a buffing gun fighter naturally)

Now, this natural number includes whatever easy levels of shifta and zalure the character might have (so forces level 30, huney and ramarl 20, humar 15 zalure + s-reds, ramar 15 shifta, hucast and hucaseal s-red's shifta)

So, with the exception of Hucast do you not see that every single android is behind the fleshy characters minus Fonewearl who doesn't matter cause she was designed to be 100% magic anyway. Granted Racaseal shows she needed a buff again but whatever still not as much of a big deal balance wise as the 1 android out of the 4 who can do better solo damage than over 1/2 the game without any buffs and with shifta 3 ends up doing more damage than 2/3rds of the game in atp as well with his level 3 shifta.

Now just to cover some base on why Humar is ok on this list I should point out that without s-red's blade he packs 431 damage which is under 3/4 of the forces at least while as s-red's doesn't make him that broken alone. s-red's doesn't last that long, zalure 15 has short range and for his effort he only does more damage than Fomarl. Hucast btw with his natural 424 damage pretty much means that he has a free zalure 15 in his attacks in the full field before the real zalure is applied when compared to Humar.

Though as a bonus this chart should also show another thing. If you play Humar use jellen and zalure if you don't.