Team FiasCO - We ruined christmas


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I left but I'd love to come back if it gets more active ^.^
it's been a while let's see what i've missed


libel and slander are illegal, you know
I would consider joining, since I was in Rocket back at Schtserv for a while.. Before things happened and I stopped giving what little care about that pIace that I did.

But.. While I have created an account and installed the game.. I haven't actually started playing yet..
I've been too busy doing things like running into walls and punching helpless robots, among other things.. But I'll get around to it sometime. 8D
Aurelli said:
I would consider joining, since I was in Rocket back at Schtserv for a while.. Before things happened and I stopped giving what little care about that pIace that I did.

But.. While I have created an account and installed the game.. I haven't actually started playing yet..
I've been too busy doing things like running into walls and punching helpless robots, among other things.. But I'll get around to it sometime. 8D
We're all kind of in a downtime phase right now. I'm busy with a book, playing RO on a dead server with a few friends, keeping track of my LP in Love Live, and playing Terraria Expert mode alone.

XII is.. XII, and doing XII things.

Evilmag is probably not going to bother playing again for a good while since he's back into PSO2 again (I think we mostly all are since it doesn't require fifteen minutes of rolling for good clients).

Basically, right now, none of us are dealing in the game. I probably would be but I don't quite have the itch to play yet, though I do want to get my HUcl up to a respectable level.
XII is doing XII things all at once? Talent.

Anyway, That's all fine... Like I said, I haven't even started yet.. Because.. Reasons.
PSO2 being one of them, along with PSO1... On Gamecube... XD
Aurelli said:

You monster.

Agastya said:
XII is.. XII, and doing XII things.

I've mostly been playing Xenoblade Chronicles X. It's an RPG. You hit stuff. Standard fare.

I logged into PSO2 a week ago, played Gal Gryphon On Ice twice and then went on break again until Sega decides to take update content seriously.

I also got Super Mystery Dungeon against my better judgment. It's the same hackneyed shitstorm that the last four games have been, so I like to imagine that the PC is just the same across every game and that they're not so much surprised that they got turned into a trademarked cartoon character as they are livid and cynical about it.

I guess there's also Smash Bros. for WiiU. I'll just leave this here.


Goodbye for another 3 months.
I tried to play PSO2 again but it seems all people do these days is wait for EQs and that's notveryfun™.

Plus all my TA friends quit, lol.
Matt said:
I tried to play PSO2 again but it seems all people do these days is wait for EQs and that's notveryfun™.

Plus all my TA friends quit, lol.
Nah dude. We've come full circle and people are Anga farming again, because now instead of maybe sometimes getting an Ares weapon after 100 Angas, you'll maybe get enough stones to make a 20 element Ares weapon.
Team activities include:
  • Lowering HP to use Dark Flow
  • Getting killed by Poison Lilies while using Dark Flow
Team activities include:
  • Lowering HP to use Dark Flow
  • Getting killed by Poison Lilies while using Dark Flow

I have not been killed by a Poison Lily yet! Nor have I been killed by an Ob Lily! I think.
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Good work everyone (and by everyone I mean LKA) on unlocking the team flag. Next up: unlocking a high IQ on my mags.

Shoutout to Ducks, I love you man.
By no demand at all, we now have the dressing room. The rappy slaughter is going by smoothly.

In other news, give me a heaven punisher.
People speak spanish on this thread now? This place really went to shit in my absence.

New team activity: HELLping.
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Team thread has been updated, featuring:

New Team Members
New Member of the Week
Fishing and Mining added to the team thread