Quick question - Quick answer

Is there a melee weapon for HUcaseal that has a rafoie special (like the NUG2000-Bazooka) or something like it that can blow up traps set above you?
twin blaze has gifoie, and that's what most people use for that purpose
Is there a melee weapon for HUcaseal that has a rafoie special (like the NUG2000-Bazooka) or something like it that can blow up traps set above you?

I'd suggest that you just learn to trapshoot.

Twin blaze has its uses if you need to stun the enemy before you freeze it, but in most cases it's slower and more awkward than simply using a handgun.

While standing still press the trap key followed by normal attack immediately after.

Or using the quick menu select the trap and spam confirm/normal attack to deploy and detonate it.
Are there any solid guides on how to exact feed a mag to get it to Chao stats? I've been using this guide, but it's a bit too vague. I've got mag feeding charts up, but I'm still finding it hard to somewhat balance the stats. Any advice/help would be great.
I'd suggest that you just learn to trapshoot.

Twin blaze has its uses if you need to stun the enemy before you freeze it, but in most cases it's slower and more awkward than simply using a handgun.

While standing still press the trap key followed by normal attack immediately after.

Or using the quick menu select the trap and spam confirm/normal attack to deploy and detonate it.

on that note, if your HUcl is too short, trapshooting in place is impossible. so, either make your HUcl taller, or you'll have to move away from it to be able to target it. i *think* anything shorter than standard height will have trouble trapshooting in place.
I prefer Episode 4 Maximum Attack S, to be honest.

I can get 202 kills per 3.5 minutes per first area clear on FOnewm. I use /lobby after defeating the second to last wave.
Beyond the Horizon is 330 in roughly the same time frame, just costs meseta. Really depends how fast you wanna go.
Demon's and Devil's have a flat activation rate of 50% which cannot be boosted by any unit.
encountered something i've never seen before the other day...

was playing ult falz with a friend, and my usual way of getting out of the rabarta sequence failed over and over.

rabarta attack -> freeze -> A/D keys to get out -> break freeze -> a VERY late hit of rabarta kills me

this happened over and over again, but only in this one run (and maybe 1-2 other isolated instances). and no, it wasn't the darvants that killed me.

anyone experience something like this? it was almost as though there was a lag somewhere causing the last hit of rabarta to delay.
Yup, all the time.

Multihit and delayed invisible multihit. 2nd phase can just straight up kill anyone with enough HP to not get knocked down.

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but that's abnormal behavior for rabarta, right? like i've reliably done phase 2 for years this way and never encountered this.
It's common to be multihit by P2 Rab, or infact anything in Ultimate.

St Million tornadoes are probably the best place to see this happen, but gal tornadoes, gal lightning and P2 falz can also multihit any character with enough HP to death. 3x delbiter charge is also a "1hko" on most characters. There was a nice spot in MAE:Seabed you could test this, but I'm not sure if it made it to the non-event version of the quest.

Dying to a delayed, sometimes invisible, damage after being able to unfreeze on falz is rarer and could be lag or desync, but it's happened so many times I've just accepted it as a mechanic.
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