Quick question - Quick answer

I have some SIMPLE questions!

How much damage does
SAINT BILLION laser beam do?
SHAMBERTIN laser beam do?
KONDIEURU laser beam do?

and does ANGUISH increase SET damage (like FALZ-03 Swipe Attack) OR ONLY their ATP/DEF/HP ?
You're asking about the laser they fire from their mouth?

Ultimate, both multimode and one person mode.
Saint-Milion 840
Shambertin   882
Kondrieu     838

Anguish also increases set damage.
Press spacebar and you'll see a green chat cursor in the bottom left. Type out your message, then press enter/return on your keyboard.

If you play 100% on gamepad, you could toggle keyboard controls through F11. Then you won't need to hit spacebar. But this is generally something you don't want to do because you'll be unable to move with keyboard, which imo is still useful sometimes if you're logging in for a quick trade.
Thanks a bunch!
You're asking about the laser they fire from their mouth?

Ultimate, both multimode and one person mode.
Saint-Milion 840
Shambertin   882
Kondrieu     838

Anguish also increases set damage.

But if ANGUISH increases SET DAMAGE, How do People Even hope to DEFEAT Those E4 Bosses on ANGUISH 10? When it just BREAKS their HP Max??? Just Bring 100x Scape Dolls???
So I'm excitedly back on PSO, thanks to Matt's excellent guide on getting it on Steam Deck. But tbh, I'm feeling a little listless and am wondering what I should be aiming for next. I'm a lvl 130 FOnewm, mostly solo player, a bit underpowered for Ultimate Ep 1 but bit too powerful for Very Hard. So basically, any suggestions would be grand!
TRY EPISODE 4 (If you want to continue with solo play) ! If you use UNARMED spell casting, you can essentially kill GORANS and other monsters :eek:UNHARMED:eek: !!!

It is easier if you have a V801!

The monsters in Episode 4 are a generally easier to deal with using MAGICAL TECHNIQUES*, and if you are a MAJESTIC FOnewm, you can get a MOTHER GARB (Or Mother Garb+ if lucky!!!) and save meseta from gulping trifluids! If you have an Adept, EVEN BETTER!

I would also recommend getting the TECHNIQUE BARRIERS like:
Rabarta Barrier
Rafoie Barrier (personally I feel Rafoie is better for FOnewm in solo runs, except in VERY CERTAIN situations, because you can interrupt GORANS attacks)
Gifoie Barrier
Three Seals/Razonde Barrier!

* You will want higher level 20+ techniques to have faster casting speed

Otherwise, you can join people's games, and especially once you have a high level Shifta and Deband, as well as Jellen (not that important) and Zalure (very super). If you have those, you will be welcome in almost any party that is lacking a FO!!!



**EDIT This only applies to you if you're playing PSO:BB...if you are playing PSO CLASSIC (Only ep1 and ep2...I DONT KNOW I'M SORRY!!!)
TRY EPISODE 4 (If you want to continue with solo play) ! If you use UNARMED spell casting, you can essentially kill GORANS and other monsters :eek:UNHARMED:eek: !!!

It is easier if you have a V801!

The monsters in Episode 4 are a generally easier to deal with using MAGICAL TECHNIQUES*, and if you are a MAJESTIC FOnewm, you can get a MOTHER GARB (Or Mother Garb+ if lucky!!!) and save meseta from gulping trifluids! If you have an Adept, EVEN BETTER!

I would also recommend getting the TECHNIQUE BARRIERS like:
Rabarta Barrier
Rafoie Barrier (personally I feel Rafoie is better for FOnewm in solo runs, except in VERY CERTAIN situations, because you can interrupt GORANS attacks)
Gifoie Barrier
Three Seals/Razonde Barrier!

* You will want higher level 20+ techniques to have faster casting speed

Otherwise, you can join people's games, and especially once you have a high level Shifta and Deband, as well as Jellen (not that important) and Zalure (very super). If you have those, you will be welcome in almost any party that is lacking a FO!!!



**EDIT This only applies to you if you're playing PSO:BB...if you are playing PSO CLASSIC (Only ep1 and ep2...I DONT KNOW I'M SORRY!!!)

Yes get a v801

No, don't get an MG or MG+ to save 1 trifled when you barely use more than 1 in any quest (2-3 max). The damage output from ignition cloak is way more useful and will kill faster (thus saving TP anyways). An adept can be nice if you need it to get ATA to the max (nice for demons gear etc when in multi) while leveling but prioritise maxing your mind out first for the most damage output.

Barehand is also not a recommendation. It can be nice in some instances with stun locking certain enemies but you can switch between that and elemental wands/staffs, the damage output from the elemental wands is undoubtedly worth using them over barehand.

''Technique Merges'', Not Barriers, the Barriers are Red/Blue/Yellow only which then make Merges with the Amplifiers of each Tech; but yes use these!!

So I'm excitedly back on PSO, thanks to Matt's excellent guide on getting it on Steam Deck. But tbh, I'm feeling a little listless and am wondering what I should be aiming for next. I'm a lvl 130 FOnewm, mostly solo player, a bit underpowered for Ultimate Ep 1 but bit too powerful for Very Hard. So basically, any suggestions would be grand!

Other than acquiring gear, and technique disks, you just need to learn each enemy's weaknesses, then just practise nuking and timing, how many attacks you need with a weapon equipped and how many you can do barehand without affecting cast amount. Also, you can melee some, and Excal can destroy some enemies on any class.

I made a post here with tons of youtube FO solo play so feel free to watch-

Easily one of the top classes once you get the hang of him.
I DO NOT DISAGREE WITH YOUR POINTS, but in my points, I thought I was pretty clear that I meant for 1P MODE WHERE THE ENEMY RES IS LOW!!! AND THEN followed it up with:

"Otherwise, you can join people's games, and especially once you have a high level Shifta and Deband, as well as Jellen (not that important) and Zalure (very super). If you have those, you will be welcome in almost any party that is lacking a FO!!!"


Are there any situations where Dark on a Cannon Rouge is useful?

Seen a lot of people use it on CF1, in the last room when surrounded by a lot of enemies, like standing in the middle of the bringer circle or after splitting all the bulclaws.
Are there any situations where Dark on a Cannon Rouge is useful?
For claws or sorcerers in group with good hit, at least 40h if you want to land your heavy attacks with a racast.
Otherwise it could be useful on ep4 boss, the cave part, but it would require 65 + hit% to land a heavy attack reliably with a ramar.

But if ANGUISH increases SET DAMAGE, How do People Even hope to DEFEAT Those E4 Bosses on ANGUISH 10? When it just BREAKS their HP Max??? Just Bring 100x Scape Dolls???
Mew was kidnapped to halp in an ep4 Anguish 10 quest with less than capable haughty level 90's....TWO Words.......NEVER AGAIN!!!! X'D!
Is there a best way to raise a striker mag on a RAmarl? Or should I just go with the same stats as my regular mag?
RAmarl can reach max stats using just mats, mag, v101 and Centurion/Ability. But alot of people opt to using more pow mats to opt to have higher stats earlier on (and because ramarl isnt the best at using techs and has no reason to spam them usually, so people ignore mind) so you might want to build it as a mind build (if you are built this way) if you dont want to reset your mats since DP goes off of your mind stat to increase its damage.
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I think I already know the answer but I wanted to ask to be absolutely sure; do people making a trade absolutely have to meet up in game? There is no drop box or sending and item to someone?
I think I already know the answer but I wanted to ask to be absolutely sure; do people making a trade absolutely have to meet up in game? There is no drop box or sending and item to someone?

There is actually another mechanic; if you are in the same team you can attach an item to a mail and send it directly to someone via the team list (F8). This requires them to be online and there are some bugs with it being sent across ships or something, and getting lost (icr). I don't advise using this ever really because of this, but it's cool to know; you can send some trash to friends for lols when you mail them as the item gets sent to their character bank. They won't discover it till later.

But yes, the only way to actually trade with people is via meeting in-game, and either 1. no suggested -- drop trading (only if huge meseta deal etc), or 2. trade window (not accessible in guild areas or within a quest).
There is actually another mechanic; if you are in the same team you can attach an item to a mail and send it directly to someone via the team list (F8). This requires them to be online and there are some bugs with it being sent across ships or something, and getting lost (icr). I don't advise using this ever really because of this, but it's cool to know; you can send some trash to friends for lols when you mail them as the item gets sent to their character bank. They won't discover it till later.
Nothing was lost, but there was a desync issue when sending across ships that was fixed last year. Basically, you can't send across ships because someone could fill up their bank while the send is in progress, or the login could potentially lose connection with the ship... Too many things can go wrong.

If you ran into the desync from sending across ships, reloading character data would fix it. The problem was that it's possible you didn't know for some time and you end up dropping the wrong item when removing some junk from your inventory, or something else like that.

Just pointing this out because I didn't know people were aware of this :wacko:
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What are you meant to do when Olga Flow goes shiny and transforms you? I hit him with everything I have, then just ran around trying to find something to trigger for a hundred thousand years, died a couple of times and tried him again. I'm a bit stuck.
What are you meant to do when Olga Flow goes shiny and transforms you? I hit him with everything I have, then just ran around trying to find something to trigger for a hundred thousand years, died a couple of times and tried him again. I'm a bit stuck.

When he turns you into flowens you have to find the attribute damage that effects him. For example, you would try using a weapon with either native, a.beast, machine or dark. He will be one of them randomly and that is the only way to damage him, if the attack on him is not of this area percent then the player who is flowens will take damage.
When he turns you into flowens you have to find the attribute damage that effects him. For example, you would try using a weapon with either native, a.beast, machine or dark. He will be one of them randomly and that is the only way to damage him, if the attack on him is not of this area percent then the player who is flowens will take damage.
Oh dang! Thanks a bunch bud, I'm glad I asked ... I would have died so many more times. Bit obvious in retrospect because his health bar does have the ??? bit but for some reason it didn't click.

I'll have to get new gear for him.