Quick question - Quick answer

Interesting. Thanks for the info. Never played Challenge mode. Might have to save up some PDs haha.
That link is for pc and dc. While it does have the correct info it does not specify which sranks are which episode (needle being E2)
How does hit work on a slicer while using sns? Specifically, does it still benefit the second two attacks?
Not really.

The way it works is that if you start a ranged attack before the first one hits, the first attack will inherit the accuracy of the second attack. The attack doesn't have to have fired, so this can work for other weapon types as well (such as rifle and handgun).

I guess you could argue that the second attack will have the accuracy of the third attack, but that's not really a benefit since it's a normal.
Cards have more "ATA" than Hell Handgun because you can SN it easier, although the last hit is obviously much worse (and there's less range overall). That being said, you can SNS with handguns too, although it needs max range.

Maybe shotgun hell is worth (NNS), though probably not.
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I plan to do the Seat of the Heart questline to get the Ragol Ring, just for funsies. Do I have to complete the Episode 2 Government quests in order to meet the requirements or can I just do the Episode 1 single players prerequisite quests and jump right into it?
How exactly does breaking out of freeze work? I use keyboard and mash WASD when I'm frozen and break out extremely quickly, but my friend uses a gamepad and they seem to suffer the full freeze duration even when they spin and mash the control stick around.
How exactly does breaking out of freeze work? I use keyboard and mash WASD when I'm frozen and break out extremely quickly, but my friend uses a gamepad and they seem to suffer the full freeze duration even when they spin and mash the control stick around.
You just have to alternate A and D, i dont think W and S do anything.
I dont use a controller on this server but when i played on gamecube you could get out quicker by alternating left and right. Maybe try that instead of spinning?
Does anyone have a link to a spreadsheet/table with all items max stat parameters for easy reference by chance?
Is there any reason to get something like an S-Rank Bazooka or Launcher over a Needle? Would specials work just as good?

Also, why don't people but Chaos specials on their weapons?
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I got trolled twice yesterday with rare monsters dropping bronze badges, haha! Do they drop badges at an increased rate or was it just dumb (un)luck? I thought I had nailed my first Lame drop, but alas.
Also, why don't people but Chaos specials on their weapons?

While confusion is a nice status affliction for keeping mobs under control, paralysis is generally better because it lowers EVP as well, so people go for Arrest S-Ranks.

Yeah badge drop rates were increased

To clarify, badge drop rates were increased across the board for all monsters. Rare monsters should share the same badge drop rates as any other enemy, as far as I'm aware.
Would it be a good idea to use my silver badges towards those random hit weapons? I am lacking most good gear so I am thinking that some sacrificial/hell weapons from the shop could come in handy.