Quick question - Quick answer

You gain 1 ATA per 2 levels of DEX on your mag - does this mean having an odd number of DEX is a waste of a mag level?
not necessarily. it IS possible to have an invisible half a point of ata on levelling, and an odd level of dex on a mag will add an additional half point of ata to equal 1 full point.

pretty sure HUcast base ata at 200 is like 158.5, and a mag with 1 dex will bump that up to 159.
ATA is divided by 10, and the last digit is hidden completely, and rounded down. This means that 151 ATA means you could have either 151.0, or 151.9 ATA.

This means 1 mag level in DEX does increase your ATA, just not always visibly.
I think sometimes when you level up, it doesn't say +1 ATA, but when you check your stat page again, it actually went up by 1. I think that's where the invisible ATA stat point from mags can come in handy.
If I remember right, V101 actually add 1.5 ATA instead of the 1 it claims, so there's that.

Correct me if I'm off/wrong.
Are Heaven Striker Coats removed in this server? Couldn't find them on BPD or dropchart...maybe im blind
Do untekked weapons with killcount, like Lame, count kills untekked?
Can you finish unsealing it untekked?
I can't say for sure but It should? Going from the old source, it only checks if your equipped weapon is SJS or LD'A, but never takes into account the tek state of it. This could have changed tho.
If it's anything like Lavis Cannon, I doubt you can unseal an untekked one. IIRC people wanted to make glitched Lavis Blades on GC, but it wouldn't work, because either you can't use the Syncesta on a ?SPECIAL WEAPON or using it caused the Lavis Blade to automatically become tekked, or something like that. Even if you can get the Use option on an untekked weapon, unsealing it will probably create the new item tekked, thus causing you to forfeit the 10% tekking bonus.
Thank you two for the answers. In my case I'm postponing the tekking because I want to take a screenshot of tekking it, and I wasn't sure if I want to use a different skin, as well as worrying if it could screw up by getting kills untekked.
Does anybody have a list of which enemies are immune to which boosts (% or Technique)?

AFAIK Pofuilly Slime, Sinow Berill, Sinow Spigell, Sinow Zoa, Sinow Zele, and Gi Gue are immune to Technique boosts, and Gibbles is immune to weapon percentages. Are these wrong, and are there any more such enemies?
Vol Opt Phase 2 is also immune to technique boosts.

I want to say that the Meri family is immune to % boosts too, but you'd have to double check that.
What exactly does Three Seals do? I looked it up but find inconsistent/non-specific stuff about it.