Quick question - Quick answer

You can't finish unless you have the classes, levels, and equipment necessary to TA. Most of Sega's time limits are set such that you'll fail if you can't combo kill every wave of enemies.

That's a bit overdramatic. You don't need "TA Equips" to finish Max Attack 4. Decent equipment is definitely recommended, though. =)
Well, sure. TA classes are more important than TA equipment. A HUcast with Twin Brand does more damage than a HUnewearl with Black King Bar, because Sega is good at game balance. :rolleyes:
Ok, our main strugggle is the Dark Gunners, we don't have a lot of Tech power and having to wait for them to be vulnerable is a pain xD
Ok, our main strugggle is the Dark Gunners, we don't have a lot of Tech power and having to wait for them to be vulnerable is a pain xD

If you have an Android with you: Use freeze traps. They can be hurt while they are frozen. You can also try to paralyze them with an Arrest Gun (and prefereably V501 or V502). Non-androids can also paralyze them, but they will have a bit of a harder time doing so on Ultimate.

Rangers, both Android and Human, can use Frozen Shooter.

If you don't have either in a party, you can always use Rabarta for freezing. The "Demon's" Special (cutting enemy HP to 1/4) is also really helpful. Slicer of Fanatic works wonders against them even without hit when attacking in a "Special-Normal"-pattern. A Demon's Raygun with 50 Hit would also help a lot.

Also, if you attack the "Red Gunner", the others will be immobilized for a while as well.
Another question, I got a Rappy's Beak and plan to make a Mind Mag for my Huney, but when using the magatama app, the mag evolved to Rappy after lvl 50 but evolved again to Savitri on lvl 100 is it really possible for a cell mag to revert back to another form ? I don't want to waste my beak XD
Ok thank you :) is a 5/0/45/150 mag would be OK for a Huney then ? Or should I just make a MIND Rappy and sell it ?
On a HUney, you'd definitely want a POW mag first. Rappy Mags don't sell at all. You could just make a 5 Def / 150 Pow / 45 Dex / 0 Mind Mag for her.

HUney has pretty low base ATA for many levels, though, so you could put a little more Dex into the Mag to free up Armor Slots.
Ok :) My current Mag is a Savitri with 5/95/100/0. I'll make a Power one with the Rappy and compare them :) Thank you ^^
On a HUney, you'd definitely want a POW mag first. Rappy Mags don't sell at all. You could just make a 5 Def / 150 Pow / 45 Dex / 0 Mind Mag for her.

HUney has pretty low base ATA for many levels, though, so you could put a little more Dex into the Mag to free up Armor Slots.

Eis has been giving you excellent advice. He really knows his stuff. I'm just going to expand on what he suggested. Hopefully it makes sense.

Just a little background info.

Your original mag had way too much dex. It takes 2 levels of mag Dex to raise your ATA 1 point and 1 level of Power to raise Pow by 2 points. A 5/145/50/0 mag will give you a boost of 5 Def, 290 Pow, and 25 ATA. Couple this with an arm arm unit like God/Arm or Heavenly/Arm and you get an additional boost of 15 or 25 ATA with using only one armor slot. Both units can be bought very cheaply and will be an important part of your loadout until level 185'ish.

Your original Savitri lvl 200 5/95/100/0 only is giving you a boost of 5 Def, 190 Pow, and 50 ATA. To achieve a similar Power boost with units it would take 2 Heavenly/Powers and you don't want to sacrifice two slots. Using an Arm unit is much more economical and gives your Hunter the better power boost making clearing rooms and quests alot faster.

No one really buys Rappy mags because the triggers are not the best. Looks cool, and it has it fans on the server but for a new hunter you might want to make a mag that triggers Invincibility for 1/10th HP and hitting 100 PB. It makes a big difference. My mag hitting Invincibility when my health dips under 1/10th HP has saved me so many times. You might want to make a Sato or Nidra for your new mag. Both also sell very well once you outgrow it. This link lists all the mag triggers and how to make them, http://wiki.pioneer2.net/index.php?title=Mags.

Hopefully this clears up any questions about mag builds. Happy hunting!
Very good advice here from Red.

I'm a huge Sato fan myself, but Nidra is easier to make, has the same triggers and also does not have the penalty for low Synchro like Sato.

You should definitely keep the Savitri, though. In Episode 2, using V101, V502 and SMARTLINK at the same time is very important. This, however, leaves you with only one more Slot which might be filled with a V801 (when you are not using "Black Odoshi Violet Nimaidou", a level 150 armor).

It is hard to give HUney high ATA for many levels using only one Unit - her ATA base is pretty low - so your Mag will still have a use. In many Areas in Episode 2, Hell (and therefore, ATA) is more important than high ATP. However, until you get the necessary equips for using Hell effectively - most importantly, V502 - a 150 POW Mag is the way to go.
Ok, so if i want a Sato I'll need to give it to a male Force right ? I'll keep my Savitri until I can get Sato :) thank you for your advice :)
Male force is always Nidra assuming the mag stats followed the formula for your section ID correctly.
Ok, so if i want a Sato I'll need to give it to a male Force right ? I'll keep my Savitri until I can get Sato :) thank you for your advice :)

For Sato, you need the following:
Female Force
Viridia, Bluefull, Redria, Whitill

DEF + DEX mus be the same as POW + MIND in order to evolve the Mag into a Sato. The Mag also needs to be at least level 100. After it evolves into a Sato, it will stay a Sato, meaning the "formula" does not need to be followed any further.
Hi, I got another question.
My Huney is lvl 50, I'm starting to get good gear but I still struggle with my friend when we fight some bosses (Olga, Dark Falz, or

Shield :
Resta Merge
Grab a Secret Gear or something and ditch the resta merge
edit: Nyte totally already said this, sorry.
Ok, so if i want a Sato I'll need to give it to a male Force right ? I'll keep my Savitri until I can get Sato :) thank you for your advice :)
I have standard stat lv 200 satos for sell, you can click on the link in my sig and check out pics of the colors that i have. Ignore the not available, I have all colors in power and mind in stock, i just dont have them publicly available right now. But i do sell them, if needed.
Nidra is easier to make, has the same triggers and also does not have the penalty for low Synchro like Sato.

Ok, so if i want a Sato I'll need to give it to a male Force right ? I'll keep my Savitri until I can get Sato :) thank you for your advice :)

Nidra gets no love despite being cheaper, faster, no sync penalty and a significantly cheaper upkeep costs to maintain 120/200. I'm just going to being chilling with my dope hard working scorpion in the corner by myself.