Phantasy Star General (PSG) [Dissolved]

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After reviews, you are both welcome to join PSG.

Is there anything I should do or is there a recommended about of Team points I should contribute each week?

Have fun. Help others. Be respectful.

There isn't a recommended amount of Team Points to donate each week. It's more of a "donate whenever possible" sort of deal.
Thanks! I say semi regularly because I don't play everyday and sometimes I'll take a break for a day or two. Is there anything I should do or is there a recommended about of Team points I should contribute each week?
Team points are Not REQUIRED to join dear,.....Buuuuuut once you're IN, we highly suggest you Never lose passion about donating points wherever possible! Mind you, your mew isnt saying for u to donate whatever decent hit/PITA to find rare u stumble on! Your mew is Infamous for hoarding things in her toyboxes in need of loving homes! If mew finds a Vivies or twin brand, etc....she'd rather hang onto them for others and wont donate them. =3 Play whenever u can! Mew mew will keep an eye out for you too! <3
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So this thread shifted from something into a PSO Ephinea comic into someone talking about drawing and that turned into PSO soccer.
Ephinea for everyone out there.
And I am the returned!
Back to my duties as buffer of peoples in exchange for the finding of many loots.
Also back on the Go-Ball subject, I say photon chair Go-Ball!
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Okay, since I had a massive fail in a TTF tonight it kinda soured my mood, so I decided to work on my drawing instead. I've completed the flat coloring now, in two different palettes: PSOBB and PSO2.
HERE it is!
The image still isn't finished, though. I still have two steps: shading and what I call "making it shiny". It's already somewhat shiny with Rati's feathers and glowing photons, but I'm going to make it even better after I finish shading it.
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Okay, since I had a massive fail in a TTF tonight it kinda soured my mood, so I decided to work on my drawing instead. I've completed the flat coloring now, in two different palettes: PSOBB and PSO2.
HERE it is!
The image still isn't finished, though. I still have two steps: shading and what I call "making it shiny". It's already somewhat shiny with Rati's feathers and glowing photons, but I'm going to make it even better after I finish shading it.
Very nice work, Luna!
Okay, since I had a massive fail in a TTF tonight it kinda soured my mood, so I decided to work on my drawing instead. I've completed the flat coloring now, in two different palettes: PSOBB and PSO2.
HERE it is!
The image still isn't finished, though. I still have two steps: shading and what I call "making it shiny". It's already somewhat shiny with Rati's feathers and glowing photons, but I'm going to make it even better after I finish shading it.
Okay, since I had a massive fail in a TTF tonight it kinda soured my mood, so I decided to work on my drawing instead. I've completed the flat coloring now, in two different palettes: PSOBB and PSO2.
HERE it is!
The image still isn't finished, though. I still have two steps: shading and what I call "making it shiny". It's already somewhat shiny with Rati's feathers and glowing photons, but I'm going to make it even better after I finish shading it.
That an amazing drawing Luna.
There's outfits and parts for every PSO class now in... That other game, except RAcast, all I want is to see my RAcast in newer graphics, without having to try to reimagine it myself DX
Um, hello, I'm really new and am looking for a Team to join. I came to this server recently after finding out it was a thing... Really excited, the last time I played this was when I was little, and it was on Gamecube. I never owned my own copy though, so I only ever made it to about level 20.

Very, very excited to be here. Hoping you'll have me ^^

My main is a FOmarl named Valnia! Err, guild card... 42007866.
Um, hello, I'm really new and am looking for a Team to join. I came to this server recently after finding out it was a thing... Really excited, the last time I played this was when I was little, and it was on Gamecube. I never owned my own copy though, so I only ever made it to about level 20.

Very, very excited to be here. Hoping you'll have me ^^

My main is a FOmarl named Valnia! Err, guild card... 42007866.
Val-saaaaaan! mew can vouch for you! =3
Um, hello, I'm really new and am looking for a Team to join. I came to this server recently after finding out it was a thing... Really excited, the last time I played this was when I was little, and it was on Gamecube. I never owned my own copy though, so I only ever made it to about level 20.

Very, very excited to be here. Hoping you'll have me ^^

My main is a FOmarl named Valnia! Err, guild card... 42007866.
Prepare to be Assimewlated Valerie.
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