NDW's Massive Giveaway [PHASE 2: Change of Thought]


Guildcard 2
PHASE 1: Reflection

Without going into details, I basically am on the verge of coming to the conclusion that I am quitting PSO and giving away all of my items.

Ephinea has been the best private server I've ever played on and I'm grateful to have been given such a wonderful opportunity to play it with the people that I met in the past from previous servers and new people I've met on here.

The giveaway would consist of items from my HUcast, RAmar, RAcast, and FOnewearl character banks in Normal Mode. As well as ~600 PDs.

Here is a preview of the items that would be given away:

HUcast Bank:
Two Kamui [0/0/0/0|0]
Vjaya +15 [0/0/0/0|40]
Diska +10 [0/0/0/15|50] [Charge]
Diska of Braveman +9 [0/0/0/25|25]
Raygun +15 [0/0/0/40|50] [Hell]
Raygun +15 [0/0/40/0|55] [Arrest]
Raygun +15 [50/0/0/0|60] [Gush]
Raygun +15 [0/0/0/35|60] [Charge]
Vulcan +9 [0/0/25/0|60] [Charge]
M&A60 Vise +9 [0/0/0/0|60]
Yamigarasu [0/0/30/20|20]
Monkey King Bar +25 [0/0/0/0|30]
Lavis Blade [0/0/0/0|0]
Red Handgun +50 [0/0/30/0|25]
Drill Launcher [0/0/0/0|0]
Twin Blaze +9 [0/0/0/0|0]
S-Red's Blade +15 [0/0/0/0|0]
S-RANK Gun ZALURE +200 [Zalure] 
S-RANK J-Cutter ARREST +150 [Arrest] 
S-RANK J-Cutter HELL +150 [Hell] 
Zanba +38 [0/0/0/0|40]
Rainbow Baton +24 [40/0/0/60|50]
Dark Flow [25/0/0/0|80]
S-RANK Swords BERSERK +250 [Berserk] 
Jizai +40 [25/35/0/15|0]
Jizai +40 [0/0/20/0|30]
Black Hound Cuirass [Slots: 4] [DEF: 28/EVP: 0]
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [Slots: 4] [DEF: 10/EVP: 4]
Thirteen [Slots: 4] [DEF: 8/EVP: 3]
Dress Plate [Slots: 4] [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Red Ring [DEF: 70/EVP: 23]
Gratia [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Proof of Sword-Saint [Kills: 20000]
Proof of Sword-Saint [Kills: 20000]
Tellusis [Dark Green] [5/130/65/0] [Mylla & Youlla | Farlla | Pilla]

RAmar Bank:
Laser [40/0/0/0|35] [Gush]
Laser +10 [0/0/0/0|50] [Demon's]
Laser +9 [50/0/0/50|50] [Hell]
Vulcan +9 [0/0/0/20|50] [Charge]
Arms +10 [0/45/0/0|50] [Charge]
S-Beat's Blade +15 [0/0/0/0|30]
Bringer's Rifle +9 [0/0/0/0|0]
Frozen Shooter +9 [0/0/0/0|30]
Snow Queen +9 [0/0/0/0|40]
Dual Bird +21 [0/0/0/0|0]
Baranz Launcher +30 [0/0/0/0|30]
Baranz Launcher [0/0/0/0|0]
S-RANK Rifle ZALURE +220 [Zalure] 
S-RANK Mechgun DEMONS +50 [Demon's] 
S-RANK Shot HELL +125 [Hell] 
S-RANK Shot DEMONS +125 [Demon's] 
S-RANK Needle ZALURE +70 [Zalure] 
S-RANK Needle ARREST +70 [Arrest] 
S-RANK Needle HELL +70 [Hell] 
S-RANK Needle BERSERK +70 [Berserk] 
S-RANK Needle DEMONS +70 [Demon's] 
S-RANK Scythe HELL +180 [Hell] 
Rika's Claw +35 [0/0/0/0|0]
S-RANK Launcher HELL +180 [Hell] 
S-RANK Launcher BERSERK +180 [Berserk] 
S-RANK Launcher DEMONS +180 [Demon's] 
Sacred Duster +25 [0/0/35/0|0]
Heaven Striker +20 [20/0/0/0|0]
Cannon Rouge +30 [0/0/0/0|0]
Dress Plate [Slots: 4] [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Lieutenant Mantle [Slots: 4] [DEF: 18/EVP: 9]
Red Ring [DEF: 44/EVP: 4]
Anti-Dark Ring [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Tellusis [Dark Green] [5/160/35/0] [Mylla & Youlla | Estilla | Pilla]

RAcast Bank:
Laser +2 [35/0/40/0|40] [Arrest]
Laser +10 [0/0/0/45|100] [Hell]
Laser +25 [0/0/0/35|45] [Gush]
Vulcan +9 [0/0/0/20|50] [Charge]
Arms [0/50/50/0|50] [Arrest]
Arms +10 [0/50/0/0|50] [Charge]
S-Beat's Blade +15 [0/0/0/0|40]
Frozen Shooter +9 [0/0/0/0|30]
Snow Queen +9 [0/0/0/0|40]
Dual Bird +21 [0/0/0/0|0]
Twin Blaze +9 [0/0/0/0|0]
Baranz Launcher +30 [0/0/0/0|40]
Baranz Launcher [0/0/0/0|0]
Yasminkov 9000M +10 [0/0/0/0|0]
Maser Beam +20 [0/0/0/0|0]
S-RANK Rifle ZALURE +220 [Zalure] 
S-RANK Mechgun DEMONS +50 [Demon's] 
S-RANK Shot ARREST +125 [Arrest] 
S-RANK Shot HELL +125 [Hell] 
S-RANK Needle ZALURE +70 [Zalure] 
S-RANK Needle ARREST +70 [Arrest] 
S-RANK Needle HELL +70 [Hell] 
S-RANK Needle BERSERK +70 [Berserk] 
S-RANK Scythe HELL +180 [Hell] 
Rika's Claw +35 [0/0/0/0|0]
S-RANK Launcher HELL +180 [Hell] 
S-RANK Launcher BERSERK +180 [Berserk] 
Excalibur [35/20/0/0|0] [Kills: 10000]
Heaven Striker +20 [0/20/0/45|0]
Cannon Rouge +30 [0/20/0/25|20]
D-Parts ver1.01 [Slots: 4] [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Black Hound Cuirass [Slots: 4] [DEF: 21/EVP: 0]
Dress Plate [Slots: 4] [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Red Ring [DEF: 54/EVP: 8]
Anti-Dark Ring [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Gratia [DEF: 5/EVP: 9]
Tellusis [Dark Green] [5/148/47/0] [Mylla & Youlla | Estilla | Pilla]

FOnewearl Bank:
Raygun +15 [0/0/0/0|50] [Geist]
Raygun +15 [0/0/50/0|40] [Hell]
Double Saber +10 [0/0/0/0|50]
Holy Ray +40 [0/0/0/0|0]
Bringer's Rifle +9 [0/0/0/0|50]
Psycho Wand [0/0/0/0|0]
Mercurius Rod [0/0/0/0|0]
Magical Piece [0/0/0/0|0]
Red Saber +78 [0/0/55/0|0]
Summit Moon [0/0/0/0|0]
S-RANK Mechgun DEMONS +50 [Demon's] 
HItogata [0/0/0/0|15]
Gal Wind +15 [0/0/0/0|0]
Dark Bridge [0/0/0/0|0]
S-RANK Cards HELL +150 [Hell] 
S-RANK Cards DEMONS +150 [Demon's] 
Slicer of Fanatic +30 [0/0/0/0|40]
Vivienne [0/20/0/0|35]
Glide Divine [0/0/0/0|0]
Tyrell's Parasol [0/0/0/0|0]
Stink Frame [Slots: 0] [DEF: 70/EVP: 32]
Brightness Circle [Slots: 4] [DEF: 4/EVP: 18]
Sacred Cloth [Slots: 4] [DEF: 22/EVP: 19]
Wedding Dress [Slots: 4] [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Ignition Cloak [Slots: 4] [DEF: 6/EVP: 2]
Congeal Cloak [Slots: 0] [DEF: 5/EVP: 1]
Tempest Cloak [Slots: 2] [DEF: 7/EVP: 4]
Crimson Coat [Slots: 4] [DEF: 2/EVP: 11]
Lieutenant Mantle [Slots: 4] [DEF: 7/EVP: 3]
Regene Gear Adv. [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Red Ring [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Resta Merge [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Gifoie Merge [DEF: 0/EVP: 4]
Rafoie Merge [DEF: 3/EVP: 4]
Rabarta Merge [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Gizonde Merge [DEF: 5/EVP: 5]
Yellow Merge [DEF: 2/EVP: 5]
Anti-Dark Ring [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Three Seals [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Gods Shield "Kouryu" [DEF: 0/EVP: 0]
Tellusis [Dark Green] [5/36/62/97] [Mylla & Youlla | Leilla | Pilla]
Tellusis [Dark Green] [5/41/102/52] [Mylla & Youlla | Leilla | Pilla]
You were a great example of someone who has shown dedication to PSO.

It's a real bummer to see you go.

I'm just glad you're not being irrational and giving away your stuff right away because honestly, I think you should keep all of it and just take a nice break because you'll be back.
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Wish you luck in whatever game you play next

PS: Ill take good care of your snow queen
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Well, fuck. I tab into Discord upon waking up and this is the first thing I see.

It kinda blows to see you go. I know I ended up going on hiatus for a while and all that junk, but it was still nice to see the few folk still playing - heck, even I was about to give it another whirl after work today. But with the amount you've played, I can't say I'm too surprised - everybody gets burnt out at some point, especially after getting that many characters to max level (still haven't hit 180 boys woooo). But for real, know if you're gonna play again any time soon, folk will (maybe?) still be around to greet you back.

Just know I, and everybody else, will still be kicking around in Discord, and we'll probably be playing again once this summer event kicks into gear - even if you're not playing, it'd be cool to keep talking occasionally. And you know I'm already around to lend an ear if anything else is bugging you, even if it's not related to PSO at all - it's what I do. The junk I posted in Discord might not be as, uh, eloquent as what I'm actually typing here, but hey, when were any of us really 'classy' in the first place, eh?

At least keep in touch, aight? You don't need to poof entirely from us.

- Miz



ps pls gibe zanba and dark flow and junk hueuhuehhueuheauheaheuhaeuae
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Just know I, and everybody else, will still be kicking around in Discord, and we'll probably be playing again once this summer event kicks into gear.

Not to cause controversy, or anything...
The summer event doesn't exist.
This is reminding me of what happened to the SCHTserv X-mas event one year.
I think a lot of the staff are busy/disinterested in the game right now, so its probably not going up. (Prove me wrong please)
I think a lot of the staff are busy/disinterested in the game right now, so its probably not going up. (Prove me wrong please)
Well, I'm really not sure if one is coming or not. I'd have created a (terrible) event myself, but I got tired of doing most of the stuff like that myself, so I asked someone to help work on it and they said okay, but then they got got up in RL stuff and haven't been able to finish it.

I've asked for help with quests and events on the server in a past topic, one or two people said they'd be cool with helping out but then vanished. So, yeah... and I don't really want to do everything myself anymore because then I don't have any time for anything else in my life since I already have a full time job. It's really tough.

But, back on topic, it definitely sucks to see NDW quit PSO, but I can totally understand, man. I think NDW devoted way too much of his life to PSO (my opinion, he may think differently!). Doing so much will definitely drain you and make you tired of the game... Then again, it's always nice to take a break and maybe play some other games or just do other stuff in life as well. I'm totally for his retirement and I wish him the best in whatever he decides to do after PSO!!!
Well, I'm really not sure if one is coming or not. I'd have created a (terrible) event myself, but I got tired of doing most of the stuff like that myself, so I asked someone to help work on it and they said okay, but then they got got up in RL stuff and haven't been able to finish it.

I've asked for help with quests and events on the server in a past topic, one or two people said they'd be cool with helping out but then vanished. So, yeah... and I don't really want to do everything myself anymore because then I don't have any time for anything else in my life since I already have a full time job. It's really tough.
Yeah, it's no problem since they kinda left you with all the burden....
Just probably should've been announced as DOA, so people would not be up in arms over it.
damn. well, good luck with everything going forward. it's pretty clear you'll have a place here even if you come back after giving it all away, but if you're looking to cut the cord for good i hope this works out for you. i've done the same in the past and it can be a huge relief once it's over and done with.
You will be playing again, I will bet on it.
Everyone "quits", but this drug is way too addictive.

Pretty much.

I always thought there should be some kind of PSO tontine, and the last madman alive gets everyones stuff.
Said everything I felt on disc. But I will mention this: Nathan Don't Worry.