[HC] Hardcore

hardcore is for nerdz

Been one since my very 1st visit to Toys'R'Us as a wee lad, I remember running down the massive isles towards the Beast War section just so I could get Ratso, the badass mofo he is. NERDZ'R'US
i like star wars legos
YEEEEES, I used to collect shit loads of them and build little armies to fight, My room was flled with them and id turn it into a several hour battleground, those were the days.
Shops have always been flawed on here. You can buy weapons with up to 50% in two areas on a L1 character on both HC and Normal, although this is rare. Of course at that low level you would normally only see weapons with % in one area, and maybe 25% max. Also, sometimes you only see 9 weapons available when it should be 16 after you reach a certain level. At least the special attributes are correct since that last shop update ^^.
No one is understanding what I am saying.......:(

so forget it, I'd rather talk about pancakes.
You can't say correct when the answer is either normal or HC.................. which is it?

Mine were in normal. Yours were in HC. I should stop randomly posting......
Now im more confused than puzzled, but less confused than lost.
dank ass rooroorooorooroooroooroorooorooroooroorooroorooroorooroororooroororooroororooroorooroooroooroorooorooorooorooooroorooorooroorororororooroororororooror
I'll be playing some PSO tomorrow. Looking for more HC games as always. See ya soon. :p
Maki, I have you scythe made also bro ;)
Played quite a few games with a member of the team named Leila. Had some good times early on today. :)