Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

NDW, you dog, you.
The Heaven Striker is such an overrated weapon. Real PSO pros know that you should really be going after a Hell Striker, which I found earlier today. Jealous?

hell striker.png
If a Fat Rappy is 1/20 and the rare enemy rate is 1/512 then 10240. You can look at where I dug this up here
Shit. o.o; I wish I could take credit for 512 (rare enemy week). I'd rather have an SJS at those kinda numbers, haha
The question is, did the Barba button work?
Forum warnings issued to both NDW and anime for their anti-Resta inside joke cropping of another user's image.

It's inappropriate behavior, not really needed in this topic, and not as funny as you two would like to believe.