Bullying culture

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just trying to get this thread to stop so that we can all think about more important things like global warming and/or the health of the american economy!!
Global warming isn't even worth worrying about until you can hold Chinese manufacturing to account, we're a drop in the bucket comparatively. Stock markets are reaching record highs ever since the election.

There you go.
alright well this thread isn't gonna get anywhere.

Skylar I think you wont be bullied anymore as long as you don't join that discord again
let's all just play psobb and forget about this pointless drama ok
no fighting pls
He's right. This is literally just Discord shit. It has nothing to do with the game or with the forums.

I can't speak for Nandos but no one bothers you in game or on forums. Only in Discord. Because in Discord you are free to post disgusting pictures, doxx people and say nasty shit and no one does anything. On the forums you know you'd be banned if you did this. In game you know you'd be banned if you trolled.
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