Bullying culture

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To be honest, I think games of PSO's age (or occupying PSO's place in people's consciousness) attract certain kinds of people, and foster certain kinds of cliques and divisions. Even as far back as the Sega PSOBB days, when PSO was already somewhat dated, I saw bits of this — and then saw it again on every private server out there. Why should Ephinea be any different? Having served as a writer/developer for a game whose heyday was about a decade ago, I've watched that kind of madness unfold first-hand. Hell, I'll be the first to say I gleefully took part in it.

I'm not saying that everyone who plays old games is naturally inclined toward nastiness and hostility, but I do think playing a game like this requires a certain kind of mindset that does lend itself well toward that nastiness and hostility. Gossip, cliques, bullying, etc. — it's hardly unique to PSO or Ephinea, but it is more common here than in most places. What to do about it? I'm not really sure. You can't radically alter the culture of a place overnight. Heavy-handed moderation generally just moves the problem elsewhere rather than eliminating it entirely. People have a hard time changing their habits as individuals, though that is generally where positive change starts.

I do have a small suggestion, though: holy shit, you guys, knock it the fuck off. Do you not realize that you are squabbling and being asshats to each other over an action role-playing game released sixteen years ago? So what if you don't like someone? There are people here I don't like, and people who don't like me. I'm not going to be assholes to them, though, and if they're assholes to me I'm not going to worry about it. Why? Life is too damn short for that. You *will* die some day. Seriously. It might even be very soon. And I don't think you're going to be on your deathbed telling yourself, "Gee golly whiz, I wish I had been more of an asshat to that dude on the internet."

I don't always succeed, but I generally try to live by the maxim of the noted late 20th century philosophers Bill & Ted: be excellent to each other. Really, who knows how long each of us has on this god-forsaken rock. That dude you're yelling at might be gone tomorrow. We're all broken people at our core (and if you think otherwise about yourself, you're not looking hard enough), and no one is a better person than anyone else. I am not better than you, and you are not better than me. We're all just people — people playing what is basically an old Dreamcast game. Best to have fun with it, and each other, rather than turn it all into a toxic mess.
Best thing you can do in a community this old is use the functions soda gave us. If someone is a inconsolable asshole just block them so you dont feed their idiocy, they'll find themselves alone verrrry fast. When they're ready to act like a normal person they can show it by not being jerks. If they can be reasoned with just show them kindness, they usually stop. Either way don't feed the trolls is what im kind of..getting at here. Especially the ones that go out of their way to make alts to fuck with people =p
Long post. Tldr: stop with the bullshit, leave skylar alone, grow the fuck up.

I find it amusing this is posted just as i FINALY fix my isp issues and get ready to jump back and start fresh.

I witnessed bullying both on here, and on ultima, which is where ive been till my isp got its shit together ( spoiler, threatened switching to fiber once it hits here and i got a year of the best package for way cheaper than what i paid before). Yes, its way worse on ultima, by far. However its been bad here too. Both in and out of game.

At least 75 percent of this server act like 13 year olds. That includes gms in that number. I dont care if i get banned permanently for what im posting either. But it needs to be said.

Stop the fucking bullying. Your not cool. Your not 13 years old. Your all fucking adults. Your ruining the game for people that actualy enjoy it. If i wanted to be bullied again like i was for 10 years of my life, i would go back to high school.

Leave skylar alone. Yes mr gm. That means you too. If you dont get along with him, theres this wonderful block feature. In fact why dont you act like a fucking GM for once instead of be a troll. Better yet, step down and let someone else that gives a damn be GM.

Stop the eliteism. I dont care if you password games etc, thats acceptable. But realize that this is a game. People will play it how they want. Deal with it.

Also grow up. Like ive told a few people on here, if i wanted to play with over dramatic 13 year old bully's, i would go play call of duty.
I don't have a problem with how jake handles these situations personally
he is nice and reasonable to people who are nice and reasonable to him.

I tend to keep my forum/discord life separate from in-game. I think gossiping or whatever is fine out of game. It isn't like I have malicious intentions or anything, it's just easier to talk to people on a platform like Discord.

about ELITISM uhhh
there are nice elitists and mean elitists
if someone is mean to you then don't talk to them or play with them
wowowow ez game

I think the community is pretty nice overall and idk what this thread is about tbqh
Its about the minority that have been actively ruining the experience for those of us that enjoy the game.

If the comunity would actualy come together as a whole and agree that the trolling has got out of hand, and have some sort of anti trolling policy that would be enforced, i would gladly recomend this server. That and a more active GM/mod role. Im not saying all trolling is stopable, but at least do stuff about the trolling that is adressed.

That and this skylar stuff has to stop. Yes, i know most of us cant stand him, but still. Stop.
The thing is, I don't really see this stuff in game and I'm on 24/7 because no life. Are we talking about discord drama here? lol
The thing is, I don't really see this stuff in game and I'm on 24/7 because no life. Are we talking about discord drama here? lol

Discord, forums, etc...

And it was starting to seep into the game.
Discord, forums, etc...

And it was starting to seep into the game.
To the point where there are 2 discords. One to troll you and one not to.

Then there was the hc baiting i suffered from, which while agrivating i should have grabbed more scapes than usual as i was playing with normies.

Then there was the recent room name issues between 2 players, on top of the other issues that we dont address.
so much vague-ness in this thread, and yet there isn't really anyting going on in the forums or in-game. It's all discord drama from what I can see and that should stay in discord.

Now folks know to avoid discord. +1 Andy!
For how old this game is, a new player should not come in and expect everyone to be their teacher. For example, if you wanted to get into Diablo 2 at this point, you would be expected to do some research on your own. I don't see why PSO has to be any different.

Also, 75% of this community DOES NOT act like 13-year-olds, and I hate these BS exaggerations. You are literally saying that 3/4 of the interactions on this server are negative, and that's simply not true. Most people here are decent people, and instances of "bullying" get blown way out of proportion. It's possible to get frustrated with someone or correct them without bullying. People need to toughen up.

At least you can't get NOL'ed or FSODed or corrupted here. Jesus Christ, you newer people have no idea how good you have it compared to when we were REALLY bullied on PSO GC or Sega BB. Hell, even on the early days of Schtserv, Schthack just picked his friends to be the mods and didn't care about qualifications. I was once banned for a month for disagreeing with a mod about PSO legitimacy (we were arguing in the lobby in game). A MONTH. And there was no accountability for him doing this. Ephinea is magnitudes better than everything that came before it, and you'd do well to take stock of that. (FYI the mod was Demon, and he was a total ass; even worse than Lee.)

This server also sports the very first examples of mods who are also very good at the game and aren't complete idiots. (Gotta love mods like Schtserv's Miureth who are terrible players and ban you for trading a Booma's Claw.)

I'm thankful every day that this server exists. I will never respect threads like this because I know how much worse it used to be. Buck up.
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I think generally we're a nice group but I was just sick of seeing people getting trolled to the point of personal real life anguish and that's really what caused me to make this. As I said from the beginning, didn't want a blow up everythingisterrible thread, because its not, I love it here. Just a reminder to people to be nicer to each other. Recognize that people on here have feelings. Simple :)
I think generally we're a nice group but I was just sick of seeing people getting trolled to the point of personal real life anguish...

Where exactly is this happening? I haven't seen this at all. Maybe someone is being too sensitive?

Back on Sega / Scht, I used to get picked on worse than anyone here, including Skylar. You just gotta grit your teeth, stick to your guns, and move on. Making threads about it never helped change anything.

FYI: This doesn't exempt people from doing this sort of thing. I occasionally get frustrated in-game but usually offer solutions to problems, and I wouldn't ever publically bash / humiliate anyone. Those who feel the need to do this are pathetic. It was pathetic of those who tormented me back in the day (I just dealt with it), and it's pathetic for whoever is doing the tormenting now.

I don't know who is getting picked on or who is instigating it, so I'll give advice to both:

The person being mean: Knock it the fuck off.
The person getting picked on: Toughen up. (Yes, it sucks because you probably didn't do anything wrong, but the person picking on you is mostly likely an ass who doesn't care about that, and they probably aren't going to change if you plead with them, so just deal.)
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LOL this is great. If anyone was sane they'd brush off the bullying shit. If someone is bothered by what people say on the internet then you got issues to work out lol. The internet is full of fuckbois, just call em out when they bother you.

"Dood, fuck you"

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