
  1. C

    im stuck on step 3

    im trying to figure out where i can adjust resolutions. the game wont launch. it tells me to please close the program in a small window. 3. When setting a resolution for Ephinea PSOBB, make sure to set a resolution that fits within your monitor's maximum resolution and one that is defined in...
  2. Spuz

    TE/ADR Guide

    Tyrells Ego Wiki Tips: Count Format: The format in which the numbers are displayed are as follows- Only number: Amount required to open door or finish room. First number: Amount required to open door. Second number: Amount that spawns after the door has opened. Bracketed number: Special...
  3. Spuz

    My Guides.

    This thread is basically a placeholder just to keep all my guides in one place. 5-2: Holiday/Love Rappy Hunt: - (Updated: N/A) Anti-Dark Ring / TE Guide: - (Updated: 19/10/2021) Basic Mag Information: - (Updated: 13/10/2021) Mag Feed Plans: - ([Updated: N/A) E4 Boss Guide - (Updated...
  4. Spuz

    ES Weapons/ S-rank Info & what you should make.

    All info can be found on the Wiki including all the weapons stats & info. Made this guide so people can get an idea of what ES weapons/S-ranks to make; but please remember it is all objective and you can do as you wish; it is not a rule of thumb. If anyone has any opinions, please share...
  5. Spuz

    Mag Feed Plans

    Will be going over many plans (eventually), just posting what I have for now. Was going to add to Basic Mag Information guide but the plans are so big they take up way to much space (40k character limit per post). So I made this thread with many posts ( a whole page) reserved for adding more...
  6. Spuz

    Monster/Box Finding Guide

    (Edited by Matt: 25/07/2021) The information in this thread has now been moved to the Ephinea Wiki. Please check the below pages for the most up-to-date information: Forest: Rag Rappy - Savage Wolf - Barbarous Wolf - Booma - Gobooma - Gigobooma - Monest - Hildebear - Dragon Cave: Evil Shark -...
  7. Spuz

    Hardcore Price Guide.

    Updated 03/11/2019 Please Read Before Posting: This list is for the Hardcore Economy and is by no means based off or around items in regular-mode. Use this thread as prices will vary between modes. This list is by no means perfect, but I have given as much detail/specification on everything as...
  8. Spuz

    HBR guide: Ranking System + Quest info.

    The wiki now contains information on HBR so feel free to check that out! This guide includes: HBR boosts per set (A set is a playthrough of all the quests within HBR once) Explantions into DAR/RDR DAR/RDR Information Previous HBR Quests Usefull links Old HBR Information Notes: Hunters Boost...