Got me this DF to try and see if it's something I'd like to invest more in, only to realise I simply don't like playing that style, so putting it up there to find it a new owner.
Reserve: 50 PDs.
Countdown: 72 hours.
Reset: 24 hours.
Timezone: UTC +01
-Foie Lv. 30 disc...
Im auctioning my RL DF Set that I made a while back. It's just sitting in my bank in the dust since I don't play HUcast anymore so I'm auctioning the following items:
Dark Flow [0/50/0/50|50] - (AB/D)
Dark Flow [50/0/50/0|50] - (N/M)
Both Calibers are sold with each other. Bidding on only one...
Got an upgrade so-
Reserve: 1000 PD
Countdown: 72h
Reset: 24h @13:02 UTC, 26/12/22
CHB: @@nina@ w/1140pd
Minimum Bid Increment: 20pd
If you dislike the skin/prefer another don't forget you can get a free neutralizer in the E2 Seasons Shop. I can also give you the one I just got testing.
Alright, after calming down and joking around on Discord after finding this very unexpected drop, it's time to talk business. After consoling similar threads I'm going to list it the following:
Res: 3500 PDs
Countdown: 72h
Reset: 48h
Timezone: UTC+02
I'll also supply a list of my current...
Dark Flow [0/0/30/0|60]
Dark Flow [40/0/0/0|60]
CHB: @AndyTheCoolGuy w/60pds
Reserve: 50
Minimum bid increment: +5
Initial CD: 72hr from bid: 07/07/22 @ 22:50 (UTC)
Reset CD: 24hr from bid:
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Perfect RL First DF
CHB: @TheWombat w/52pds
Reserve: 50
Initial CD: 48hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 04/05/2022 @13:13 (UTC)
If not pds, wants are as follows:
A nice starter DF to accompany a N/M DF. The hit can matter for dark enemies and AB are collectively not impressive enough to warrant RL variants. Reliable and cheap.
CHB: 50 by DarkDewolf
Auction Start: 21-4-2022 19:45 Netherlands (UTC+2)
Auction Resets: n/a (closed)
Countdown: 48h
CHB: @RazakelKairo w/ 400pds
Reserve: 100pds
Initial CD: 48hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 19/04/22 - @22:49 (UTC)
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Get your new DF fodder here!!
Remove the King with your PGF and let the DARKNESS FLOW :mad:
Initial Countdown 48 hours
24 hour resets with new CHB in final 24hrs
RESERVE - 495 pd's
PD's / PH's
PS @ 95pd each
Charge Vulcan 65+ hit (65H @ 600pds)
Charge Arms 70+ hit
Beserk Arms 75+...
48 Hours
24 Hour Resets
Minimum Bid - 90 PD
Will Accept Pds, PC's 1:1 & meseta 500k:1 pd
Dark Flow [50/0/0/50|50]
Dark Flow [0/50/50/0|50]
48 hours will start once minimum bid is received. will restart every 24 hours after a new bid is placed until a winner.
Thank you and happy biddding!