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  1. Eggbert

    Can you play this on Steam Deck?

    Please say yes.
  2. Eggbert

    Odd Camera Angle

    Odd camera angle change. I was playing in the caves and some enemies backed me up against a wall where the camera view lowered. When I defeated them and walked out, the camera view stuck in a lower position even after teleporting. Restarting the game fixed it. (The above was just a side...
  3. Eggbert

    My odd playstyle, the solo artist.

    I've been solo playing here except for the rare times that one of my close friends is able to get online the same time as me. Here are the main reasons: 1) I don't know what my role is in a group. I would probably get into a party and revert to solo mode and get yelled at. 2) I haven't quite...
  4. Eggbert

    AFK characters? I don't get it.

    When I get in lobby 1, I see the same characters there a lot. But I have the feeling they are AFK. So my question is... is there some sort of advantage to keeping your character logged into the lobby even though you aren't playing? I'm not bashing it, I'm just curious. (The recent post about...
  5. Eggbert

    2D Phantasy Star Online

    Since you don't jump in this game, a 2D version could be playable. It would be cool to play a 2D version on an old NES. Although monsters do fly and thus can't be hit by lower attacks, but I would think you could accomplish it by giving visual ques that the monster is flying out of reach.
  6. Eggbert

    Phantasy Star Universe Private Servers

    Are there any good PSU private servers that have a lot of stuff unlocked (like online quests/updates)?
  7. Eggbert

    Re-release of any old MMORPGs?

    It's seems all the rage now to remake older games, or just re-release them (NES/SNES classics). Has any company re-released or remade any old MMORPG? I can't recall any, maybe because it involves server costs. (Although I see Ragnarok and Maplestory on my iPhone, but did they ever go away in...
  8. Eggbert

    Some kind of bank/inventory revamp.

    I LOVE that we have a common bank! To start off, my eventual goal is to have many different characters on my account, so it causes me to keep a lot items. I'm realizing that I spend an uncomfortable amount of time transferring items from one bank, to my inventory, to another bank, and selling...
  9. Eggbert

    Remote Access you PC to your phone to play PSO

    I recently discovered that you can remote access you PC desktop from you phone using apps like Team Viewer. It could get tricky but... could you (has anyone) done this to play PSO on their phone? The 1st tricky part would be button/key configurations, the 2nd tricky part might be lag. The...
  10. Eggbert

    PSP2 type check off chart for rares

    It would be cool to have a rare item checkoff sheet for rares like Phantasy Star Portable 2 had. You could have a % next to each person's name indicating what % they've found, sort of a bragging rights between level 200s. It creates a "Gotta catch em all" feel. To prevent people trading rares...
  11. Eggbert

    Possible Dreamcast Mini? Would that mean... ?!

    The following article states that a new website has been launched to celebrate the Dreamcast's 20th anniversary. The article speculates that they maybe planning a Dreamcast Mini console (like the NES Classic). If so... wouldn't PSO be on it? Article...
  12. Eggbert

    F12 not working.

    F12 button is suppose to bring up the menu in game. It works on my laptop, but not my PC. (Yes there is a button that causes the F-keys to switch states, but that doesn't even bring up the menu.)
  13. Eggbert

    We are allowed more than 4 characters?!!!

    "Ephinea offers each game account with 32 character slots instead of the standard 4. To switch between the characters displayed on your account, there is a drop-down menu in the top right of the launcher, or you may type “/cbank 1-8” in-game." Mind blown! I'm so excited now. (Sure... I'll never...
  14. Eggbert

    Is this Drop Rate increase part of purist mode?

    "Every day, certain class, race and sex combos may receive a drop rate increase." Is that part of purist mode (originally in the game), or just part of Ephinea?
  15. Eggbert

    How much data does this use?

    I'm thinking about connecting my laptop to my phone's hotspot to play this where I can't get wifi. This connection would be a little slower than normal, plus a have a limited data plan for my phone. So I'm curious if... (1) PSO will run fine. (2) How much data it'll actually use up. (I would...
  16. Eggbert

    It runs a little slow on my old netbook. Anyway to speed it up?

    It runs fine on my laptop, but it runs a little slow on my old netbook. Anyway to speed it up within the options?
  17. Eggbert

    Can you switch game modes? (Episode 1 drops to BB?)

    When I first started this game, it let me pick what type of rare drop system I wanted (Episode 1 drops, Episode 2 drops, or Blue Burst drops if I recall correctly). Is there any way to change that afterward, or is it permanent?
  18. Eggbert

    Phantasy Star Universe / Portable / Portable 2

    Did Portable have all the levels from Universe? and did Portable 2 have all the levels of Portable 1?
  19. Eggbert

    It makes me so happy to be back.

    I never played on a private server before. My history... DC, GC, XBOX, PC(BB). My highest character was 133 on GC. It's funny to me how many hours I've spent playing this game and yet I've forgotten so much, like how to save your game LOL.