Quick question - Quick answer

What are the earliest sources of Unreduced Hell on multi-hit weapons? Sealed J-Sword needs 710 ATP and S-RANK Hell Needle needs 180 ATA, just wondering if there's anything with easier-to-reach requirements.
Well, you can use single target weapons like handgun, Saber, rifle... But if we're talking multihit and unreduced hell, then sranks are the only option.....afaik anyways.
Ya any ID is fine but if you are really wanting to hunt solo I'd suggest Purplenum. It has H/battle, H/mind, Smartlink, V801, H/arm, Frozen Shooter, H/hp, and Spread Needle. Good new player gear yayaya
is Mark 3 the only mag cell I can use to make a 195 mind mag?
I'm trying to make my first agastya mag for a hucast I'm wondering if the base color of the mag determines the wing color, and the best power / dex stat distribution is
Well not entirely. The wings remain Blue, and the inner glowy part is mag colour based.