Team Monolith

Looking to join the team if theres room i'll probably be on my ranger: pewpew
Mew mew has seen pew pew-san a lot in lobbies, so if there IS a spot...mew can asimewlate you...however...think we recently got all 100 slots filled...Time to harass our Captain again =P...
Heyo! There sure is an open spot for you.

Also, important announcment:
Since I have to take long(-ish) breaks from the game on a semi-regular basis, I have decided to transfer the team leadership to Mew / @Harborer of Hope. Mew also is the "main recruiter" and knows more about who's active and who's not.

The founder of the team, Jyuki, approved of the decision, too.
Heyo! There sure is an open spot for you.

Also, important announcment:
Since I have to take long(-ish) breaks from the game on a semi-regular basis, I have decided to transfer the team leadership to Mew / @Harborer of Hope. Mew also is the "main recruiter" and knows more about who's active and who's not.

The founder of the team, Jyuki, approved of the decision, too.
Mew of Course will try her damnest to keep our teams reputation of being the friendliest/halpful bunch alive as well! Right now mew is a bit of a Brat and she's a lil difficult to get a hold of when the sun is up...Just kick her kitty coffin and if able She'll crack the lid open if needed! XD! Hopefully mew can pounce Eistee's-taichou soon! <3!
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let me know if theres a open spot. im new but love the game and community
Finally POUNCED and Assimewlated HeeRoo-kun~! Sadly mew couldn't talk much afterwards....Someone had vanished with her precious Tension Blaster and mew was in the middle of stalking them to get it back!! Thankfully they popped back online within minutes and mew mew got her pew pew back! <3!
Finally POUNCED and Assimewlated HeeRoo-kun~! Sadly mew couldn't talk much afterwards....Someone had vanished with her precious Tension Blaster and mew was in the middle of stalking them to get it back!! Thankfully they popped back online within minutes and mew mew got her pew pew back! <3!

Yeah Glad to have found a team. Its really a plus that it has mew on it as she was the first to help me lvl and question her to her "kitty coffin". Glad to hear you got your Tension Blaster back!!