The game that never gets old.......


.....i tried to get out... and the PULLED ME BACK IN!

Hello everyone, my name is Brandon,<corven>.
I have been playing pso sense the gc back in 2004 played ep3 until i was about ~king 120 ish, and played on shatack, ultima and now here for servers

I have always loved the way the game is played in that its a very simple game but very good at doing what its does. It to me is the best 3rd person dungeon crawler that has yet to be created. That being said, if you have ever played the game at any competitive level <i was 182 on RETAIL...<ya i spent A LOT of time on the game...> you will know the game was never balanced. Hucast, and Racast were just always the best, its just simple math. That being said, i never play ether!

On retail i played a Fomar named "Lance"
On shatack i played a ramar and a Fonewy

Here I will likely be going Fomar, as apparently a good fomar is rare on this server, and its still good in almost all situations. I am well aware of the role of a Fomar in solo duo and squads, so i know when to focus on dps and when to focus on buffing/debuffing. You wont see me running around spamming techs on a fomar <save support> unless the situation directly calls for it. <or im low level and dont have the gear for long range, but even in this case id prioritize support over dps as a fomar.

I considered also going a full support fonewy role, but tbch if i cannot be a tails i just dont want to play as a fonewy, its just a bit to weeaboo for me. <No offence to those who main it, to each his own>

That being said as i understand the clear difference in play-stile between solo and team i will likely end up with 2 different item sets depending on if im solo or not, <unless i get lazy and just end up carrying both>

A few things id like to know, for those who are frequent on THIS server and have played others AS WELL:

1: First off, what are the main differences between this server and others i should be aware of, beyond those described in the "expert hunter" section of the tital website?

2: Are any of the stat counts altered in any way, this has happened on other servers and id like to know ahead of time to plan out my toon, <i will likly save all mats i get until i get a full confirmation.

3: Are any core mechanics altered in any meaningful way, <ex. you cannot freeze lock someone in pvp or charge volc's. have a cap or idk boss "a" has this ability changed to do "this" or its rotation is changed to "that" estra estra. <for the meantime im going to assume default but id like to know if anything core has changed as obv. this is very important in end game play.>

4: Probably a very long shot but.....does ep3 work ? Due to segas refusal to give out the source code for online i have yet to see the ep3 work on a private server, but id love to relive the days spent in the lobby with "R" <was #6 god and a good friend of mine on retail

TLDR: Sup, im not a scrub, but tell me what has changed. :)
1. Compared to other servers this server:

- Has no custom gear
- Different drop tables
- Base rates instead of permanent boosts
- ??? Probably some more stuff, there's a big thread in General but it's relatively outdated, I should fix that.

2. No. Vanilla stats, this will always stay. While vanilla is unbalanced to some degree it's not going to change on Ephinea, ever.

3. Default. The biggest core change here is that there is server code to mitigate the amount of Damage Cancel that occurs. Generally your shots should never get cancelled.

4. Nope. Blue Burst server, so Version 4 only.
Thank you Matt, for you timely response, its good to see its more or less vanilla just with a bit of bug fixing. As for episode 3 i knew that was a very very long shot, unless someone found a way into segas archives, but a man can dream.

That being said if drop charts are different im going to have to do a quick study to figure out what id to choose ahead of time. I was going to go ether redria, blueful or whitil, but i may change that il have to look at charts. Any suggestions in that regard?
From what i can see im guna choose Yellowbose, it gives me access to v101 and v501, aswell as lame d, and dragon scale to boot. Whitil looked good aswell but im guna go with Yellowbose
From what i can see im guna choose Yellowbose, it gives me access to v101 and v501, aswell as lame d, and dragon scale to boot. Whitil looked good aswell but im guna go with Yellowbose
Good call, and welcome to Ephinea :wacko:
its very good for episode 1 for sure, but its also quite gear dependent i have a lot of work ahead of me XD
Dude welcome and when you get Fomar up and running hit me up, I've always wanted to learn dps FOmar not tech based but any guide I see never works. If you have tips id love to hear them and gear wise as well :) either msg me here or ingame on Nobu, Keinai or Elly which im currently lvling and would lvl with you if you would like :) she only 16
Welcome to the server! I used to play FOmar all the time back on scht's and even before that on GC. This time I decided to try out FOmarl since that was one of the classes that I never played before and is still a form of battle force that is weaker but makes up it up for in better support lol. Bringers Rifle is my favorite weapon and can't wait until I can get my FOmarl geared enough to use them.
Dude welcome and when you get Fomar up and running hit me up, I've always wanted to learn dps FOmar not tech based but any guide I see never works. If you have tips id love to hear them and gear wise as well :) either msg me here or ingame on Nobu, Keinai or Elly which im currently lvling and would lvl with you if you would like :) she only 16

So The idea is very similar to raiding in an mmo setting, you need to not only understand how your class works <dps wise> but also what your ROLE is. Furthermore and MOST IMPORTANTLY, you need to understand the mechanics of the fight itself as the tactics you use on each fight very dramatically and are mandatory for max dps.

For example take dragon/sil dragon/ gul dragon/yer mom's dragon/ spyro the dragon

the have 3 distinct phases, and in each phase the weapons and abilities you use changes

phase 1 is the ground/normal air phase, while on ground you 1st use your J/Z <REMEMBER YOUR A FORCE SUPPORT IS YOUR JOB! ABOVE DPS!>once thats in place you switch to a high dps weapon, usually a mech gun or something similar, Excalibur w/e something that does High RELIABLE dps, <note dps=/= damage> if your excal does say 1200 dam per swing thats ~3600 dam per cycle if you use a decent hit mech at about 500 damage each hit that works out to 4500 dam per cycle despite being "lower" damage, this is what i mean by "dps". after it goes airborne your immediately change to your GI-based weapon, sorc. cane/ s moon w/e and spam the shit out of gizonde <assuming 15+> this is probably the ONLY TIME your ever going to use that as a fomar and yet the dps result is insane, the only way to compeate with it is with smartlink and as a force your very unlikely to have that until very late game, to be clear here. Gi-zonde hits ALL targets in range but only DISPLAYS 1 damage number on each entity so dragon being 1 entity has "1 " number displayed but is hit in all of its hit boxes for about 15x hits each gizonde. with the right weapon that is absolutely insane dps and is the reason why a good force knowing this can take down dragon before it even finishes his air phase <dragon will fly um and land and die >

compare this to say dark falts and it cannot be more different.

the key to playing Fomar is understanding you are a support role that can dps and should but primarily using physical attacks <assuming right gear>, using techs as the situation calls. In a lot of ways Fomar is prob one of the most difficult classes to play correctly as it requires fight by fight tactics rather then a stranded spam fest. this is also vital in pvp; lets say your in 1v1 against a hucast and for w/e reason despite being in pvp they dont have cure freeze. you little just spam rabarta until frozen then immediately switch to mech's and they WILL die before they can trigger break the ice. its not there fault is terrible design by sega's balance team regarding how freeze works. <btw if it was not clear never pvp w/o cure freeze>

I should note here that the Fomarl also fits this bill but due to her larger resta range she tends to be full support so rarely gets to use yer atp despite its size compared to other forces, the gain of 2x resta combined with parasol is just 2 broken, i have seen some groups do St Mill. and just have a Fomarl SPAM retsa with that set sense it hits dam near the entire room'

Anyway sorry for the long winded ramble there, but the main point is like any mmo you need to understand how to change your rotation to fit the encounter before hand, rather then finding out "derp what does max deps derp"

Well i just got back from work and i am still lv 16 so have a long long way to go before i can do anything but i hope this helps! Once im not in super shit gear and am properly leveled up i can try to explain in game, until then just ask, my guild card is 42022296 Fomar: "corven" <lower case c to get yellowbose>
Thanks man, that actually makes perfect sense, I just unsealed my first excalibur this morning so that works out perfectly for melee spots :)
Thanks man, that actually makes perfect sense, I just unsealed my first excalibur this morning so that works out perfectly for melee spots :)

Ya excal is relay good for enemies with high def, can only take one hit or close range lizards and its damage is so insane that unless you have the 15hit per cycle machine gun <i forget name of weapon> its easily a huge single target dps improvement make sure to couple with mag for optimal effect!
To be fair proper weapon switching is important for all classes and lots of classes have various roles they can play. Pretty much every class has their supports to bring as well from either keeping the team healthy to crowd control to a mix of that.

Oh and that 15 hit machine gun isn't unlocked here so its only 5 hits
Oh and that 15 hit machine gun isn't unlocked here so its only 5 hits

and like that...., its useless! lol go go charge mechs !!!

based on its lock i assume dark meteor and dark flow are also 1 hit wonders? as well as other similar items, ie panser foast iron foast metor rogue estra estra
and like that...., its useless! lol go go charge mechs !!!

based on its lock i assume dark meteor and dark flow are also 1 hit wonders? as well as other similar items, ie panser foast iron foast metor rogue estra estra
I happen to have looked into this fairly recently, here is the list of all combo-locked weapons according to the game files.

Rianov 303SNR-5
Star Song (This weapon is in the game files, but unused. Perhaps more well known by the name "Star Weep's Elegy")
L&K38 Combat
Burning Visit
Master Raven
Snow Queen
Rocket Punch
Belra Cannon
Iron Faust
Evil Curst
The Sigh of a God
Power Maser
Gi Gue Bazooka
Dark Flow
Dark Meteor
Cannon Rouge
Meteor Rouge
Siren Glass Hammer
Glide Divine
Ano Bazooka
DF is still useful. Master Raven has some limited use as well due to the base damage of it being 368-398 power. But yeah DM is pretty much outshined by everything else that rangers have (not like they are lacking in options anyway) and same with IF and so on. Lesser stuff like Siren Glass Hammer and Solfernio are affected as well and of course the hardest hit item is Glide Divine not being unlocked in vanilla PSO. No longer can you spam anti level 3 combos sadly.