Set your PSO to HIGH priority now!!


Without rain, nothing grows.
Guildcard 2
Yes you, all of you.

Why you ask? Because it cuts the lag by a significant amount (for those with lots) and speeds you twice as much up. It helped me cut down desync, disconnects and general slowplay significantly on my craptop.

It does wonders literally. Even those who are running the game nicely already, will benefit from doing this I'm sure. It's literally so good. I wish I did earlier!!

All you have to do when you log PSO (or any game) is :

Load 'task manager' and set psobb.exe to high priority instead of the standard normal.

Note: DO NOT RUN 'REALTIME' unless you know what your doing and your computer is godly.

You are required to do this everytime you load up psobb but it's so worth it.
Note: See posts in thread for alternative options to setting high priority (shortcuts etc.). I hear you can get a program to set priorities, if people care enough to download.

Credit goes to @Kyle (hit.exe) who told a few of us about this.

If you have any questions, please ask.
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This has never worked for me. But I play fullscreen so my OS is probably prioritizing PSO already.

(It's also impossible to do on fullscreen mode, cuz alt+tab = crash)

EDIT: I meant it never worked when I tried playing windowed and prioritizing it - and it has never actually had a noticeable difference in any game or program.
It works with full screen and a significant amount here. Also alt tab works fine, if your having issues with crashes there is a thread somewhere.
It works with full screen and a significant amount here. Also alt tab works fine, if your having issues with crashes there is a thread somewhere.

"classic fullscreen"

The other one is just a borderless window, and not an actual true fullscreen mode (and is treated by the operating system as a window).

Classic fullscreen will always crash on alt+tab. It's what PSO does.
you're like the only player that uses that tho

The only one who is vocal about it, yes.

It's still quoted as a potential solution for "performance issues" on the technical support board when people complain. I doubt I'm the ONLY person who uses it (since the operating system generally does treat fullscreen apps differently - it's not just me).

It's also implied you're talking about "classic fullscreen" when you talk about it in a technical sense (such as the operating system treating it differently).

EDIT: also I wasn't derailing (@anime said I was in discord T_T) - "high priority" offers me no performance increase, and it's not gonna be a magical "fix" for everyone. If you do some googling on priorities, it's also not recommended to change them, because it can cause unintended consequences - but I guess if it fixes PSO for you and nothing else will, then go for it?

Examples of unintended consequences:

1) Priority inversion (the high priority task actually gets LESS priority than lower priority tasks):

2) High priority task can crash and cause everything else to slow down/hang because they don't have permission to access the CPU, the (crashed) "high priority" program does.

3) If setting something to "high priority" fixes things, it's usually because something else is hogging the CPU, and it would be better practice to set the "hogging" program to "low priority" instead (eg: virus scanners).

Note: all of that is moot if you're running on an old 10-year-old single core CPU - in that case, setting a high priority on your toaster would be a good thing - but it's hard to find a toaster THAT old still in operation...
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Regardless, this a wonderful fix for many players issues. Spread the word!
This has never worked for me. But I play fullscreen so my OS is probably prioritizing PSO already.

(It's also impossible to do on fullscreen mode, cuz alt+tab = crash)

EDIT: I meant it never worked when I tried playing windowed and prioritizing it - and it has never actually had a noticeable difference in any game or program.
Just by playing full screen won't prioritize you psobb.exe
Just by playing full screen won't prioritize you psobb.exe

The best answer I can find with a quick search:


And unless you have a ton of shit running in the background (eg: like I mentioned in my edit, virus scanners) changing priority should not really do anything on modern multi-core systems (because there is almost always a core idle and available).

(But if it fixes PSO for you and nothing else will, go for it?)
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I don't seem to have this option? I was hoping it might make drop checker stable for me.


  • priority.png
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Hope it helps.

Fyi, for any interested:

I'm downloading Process Hacker now. Its an alternative to task manager which allows you to keep the priority set as you desire. (rather than having to do manually each time you open/close the exe)

Other options are: Prio, System Explorer etc
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Hope it helps.

Fyi, for any interested:

I'm downloading Process Hacker now. Its an alternative to task manager which allows you to keep the priority set as you desire. (rather than having to do manually each time you open/close the exe)

Other options are: Prio, System Explorer etc

(It's also impossible to do on fullscreen mode, cuz alt+tab = crash)

Or you can just set a custom shortcut on your Desktop or in the start menu to start the PsoBB.exe in High Priority
Just go to your PSO folder, create a shortcut for PsoBB.exe and in the "Target" box type in "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c start /high" without quotation marks and make sure there's 1 space between that string and the file location string.

Should look like this when you're done
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c start /high R:\EphineaPSO\PsoBB.exe (underlined will be different on your pc depending where you have PSO installed)

then you can Pin it to your Start Menu or put it on your desktop and you'll automatically run PSO at High Priority. You can customize an Icon to it if you want to make it look more "presentable" to you. You can still choose the game options and whether PSO runs in borderless or Classic fullscreen via the Ephinea launcher and then run the shortcut, but if you launch the game through the launcher you'll still run at Normal Priority. I'll make a quick video so you don't get confused.

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Brill. Ty. Ill hook it up later.
Hope it helps.

Fyi, for any interested:

I'm downloading Process Hacker now. Its an alternative to task manager which allows you to keep the priority set as you desire. (rather than having to do manually each time you open/close the exe)

Other options are: Prio, System Explorer etc
Just go to your PSO folder, create a shortcut for PsoBB.exe and in the "Target" box type in "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c start /high" without quotation marks and make sure there's 1 space between that string and the file location string.

Should look like this when you're done
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c start /high R:\EphineaPSO\PsoBB.exe (underlined will be different on your pc depending where you have PSO installed)

then you can Pin it to your Start Menu or put it on your desktop and you'll automatically run PSO at High Priority. You can customize an Icon to it if you want to make it look more "presentable" to you. You can still choose the game options and whether PSO runs in borderless or Classic fullscreen via the Ephinea launcher and then run the shortcut, but if you launch the game through the launcher you'll still run at Normal Priority. I'll make a quick video so you don't get confused.

You can also use a batch file on a timer.

Create batch file using following code, put it somewhere, right click, create shortcut. Right click shortcut, properties, advanced, run as administrator.

Double click shortcut. Double click launcher. Start game from launcher before the batch timer reaches zero.

@echo off
wmic process where name="psobb.exe" CALL setpriority "high priority"
cmd /k

If you need more (or less) than 15 seconds, modify the 15.

cmd /k can be removed, all it does is keep the command window open when the batch completes (so you can check and make sure the return value was 0 and the priority was set successfully - if you want to). Could also use "pause" instead.

(I made this just now so I can experiment with priorities playing classic fullscreen - not in the mood to download new programs to do it for me)