Revisit the PD rate increase debate.

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I don’t know what the next wall would be, @Wil , but it would be many years before we’d have to worry about it. It takes anywhere from 500 to 760 PDs to fully sphere most items (depending on what %s it drops with). Assuming you have 3 characters and each has 5 or so items that could be Sphered, we’re talking 15 items. This is a conservative estimate if you’re talking about having multiple of some weps to cover all the enemy %s. That’s 7,500 to 11,400 PDs to “finish” the game. I’ve been playing on this server for almost 3 years and accumulated over 850 million EXP, and I have just over 800 PDs. I’ve traded for many of them. I’ve also spent many. I’m guessing I’ve FOUND 600 tops. Does this help?
Probably matters because the point of the statement literally went over your head. He's saying he's played for so long yet has so little PDs in comparison to how many are needed to fully "finish" the game. Absolutely nothing to do with how "good" someone is.

Honestly, I'm going to lock this thread because it's just a lot of back and forthing and people disagreeing with Ade for the sake of disagreeing with Ade. I'm not going to do anything as there's nothing to be done, so consider the subject closed.
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