Quick question - Quick answer

Anyone know a way to disable the rare drop sounds? I updated my old install and really wish they didn't come with the update. Deleting the .oggs for them doesn't seem to do the trick either.
The rare drop sounds USED TO use the .ogg files, but it hasn't for awhile; they are now in the ephinea.pac file found in the data/sound folder rather than the data/ogg folder.
To silence the rare drops you will want to download PAC Manager and edit the offending sounds to mute them.

Judging by the deletion of the ask, I can only assume the answer may not be needed anymore.
But, it is however worth noting for anyone looking at this, Spuz has made a Mod to achieve the opposite of this goal at Spuz Mods: and he also had this comment to add
the launcher updates the file [ephinea.pac] every time you launch it. The only way to block this would be to stop reading from the folder (not recommended).
so editing ephinea.pac to disable only the rare drop sounds also comes with the steps of preventing the launcher with replacing the file.
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The rare drop sounds USED TO use the .ogg files, but it hasn't for awhile; they are now in the ephinea.pac file found in the data/sound folder rather than the data/ogg folder.
To silence the rare drops you will want to download PAC Manager and edit the offending sounds to mute them.

Judging by the deletion of the ask, I can only assume the answer may not be needed anymore.
But, it is however worth noting for anyone looking at this, Spuz has made a Mod to achieve the opposite of this goal at Spuz Mods: and he also had this comment to add

so editing ephinea.pac to disable only the rare drop sounds also comes with the steps of preventing the launcher with replacing the file.
Yeah I actually got the answer faster on the discord. Figured I'd ask in both. I hadn't expected this to be such a pain to resolve, guess I'm old fashioned and prefer when it used to use the .ogg files. Just kinda wish they weren't so intrusive with no level of control over them past muting all of the sfx or a very roundabout fix.

Also Sodaboy, in the off chance you see this post, I'm not sure if it's possible to put a command into the game to mute these sfx but it would be much appreciated. I know Ephinea is is vanilla+ at this point but the option would be nice.
Is an ES Arrest Needle better/stronger/more useful than a Spread Needle with hit%? From what I read on the wiki, Spread Needle is better for detonating traps, and can guarantee a paralysis on S3 with high enough hit. So when is the Arrest Needle used?
Does anyone knows how can I read the data form DFP and EVA Barriers to add them into "Solybum/PSOBBMod" Item Scanner Addon?

I want to incorporate something similiar to the "Hit filter" but for DFP and EVA Stats to Barriers 'cause I want to be able to see 5/5 DFP/EVA Common barriers and 4 Slots Armors on the item list.
This data is already being read by the addon, as it displays it, so not entirely sure what your question is.
@mastodon I want to be able to see JUST the 5/5 DFP and 5/5 EVA common Barriers.

Hidding, for example, a 3/5 DFP 0/5 EVA Common Barrier.

There is a option on the addon to hidde ALL barriers and less than 4 slots armors and I don't want that. I want to be able to configure the addon to see the quantity I put on it. (Something similiar to % Hit filter option but with barriers DFP/EVA Stats).

For example: "Hide less [ 5 ] DFP and less [ 5 ] EVA Barriers"

I was able to do this with Armors with "item.armor.dfp" and "imte.armor.evp" but I'm new on this and I don't find the "DFP and EVA command" for Barriers.

Also, sorry if my english is hard to undestand, it is not my native language.
Oh I see - this feature does not exist in the addon, it would need to be added by someone.
Yeah and that's exactly what I want to do and that's why I need to know where does the code of the addon gets the values of DFP/EVA from barriers. I've been doing some reverse engineer but I can't get the exact line code that do read that.

I'm not and expert programer, less if we talking about LUA, but I know I can do something similar of what I want. Also, of course that I would love to share it with you all when I finish it.
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This may be a strange question, but still... Does SJS drop in one person mode? Or can this only be done on normal? Same question for Red ring and PGF.
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Yeah and that's exactly what I want to do and that's why I need to know where does the code of the addon gets the values of DFP/EVA from barriers. I've been doing some reverse engineer but I can't get the exact line code that do read that.

I'm not and expert programer, less if we talking about LUA, but I know I can do something similar of what I want. Also, of course that I would love to share it we you all when I finish it.
The plugin calls the Present method for Lua addons every frame (technically it calls whatever method is specified for the present field in the returned table from the init() method, but I digress). You can start there to see how an addon works.

You should eventually end up in ProcessFrame() or ProcessBarrier() and then see the stats are written from this function: https://github.com/Solybum/PSOBBMod...3cbacb565e9ca8411bc/Item Reader/init.lua#L456

Go up a few calls to see where the item comes from, and you'll see it's from something named cache_x. Look at where that comes from and it should be clear.

This may be a strange question, but still... Does SJS drop in one person mode? Or can this only be done on normal? Same question for Red ring and PGF.
No drops here are restricted between normal or one person mode.
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Where are people seeing what upcoming bonuses are? People knew the rare mon spawn increase but I'm looking for where it came from so I can see what's coming in the future. I want xp boosts haha.
The plugin calls the Present method for Lua addons every frame (technically it calls whatever method is specified for the present field in the returned table from the init() method, but I digress). You can start there to see how an addon works.

You should eventually end up in ProcessFrame() or ProcessBarrier() and then see the stats are written from this function: https://github.com/Solybum/PSOBBMod-Addons/blob/80ab25aa2b4fdd85defd43cbacb565e9ca8411bc/Item Reader/init.lua#L456

Go up a few calls to see where the item comes from, and you'll see it's from something named cache_x. Look at where that comes from and it should be clear.

No drops here are restricted between normal or one person mode.
Bro, I really appreciate your help. yesterday I was able to found the funtion that you mention here, "ProcessFrame()". I was serching for "Shields" haha.

I'll work on the code when I return home from work, but now I have a more clear idea of what I want. Thanks for the help and sorry for the late response <3
Where are people seeing what upcoming bonuses are? People knew the rare mon spawn increase but I'm looking for where it came from so I can see what's coming in the future. I want xp boosts haha.
On Ephinea's wiki on the right side of the main page, there you can see what's the current boost, rbr quests and what's the next boost.
Is an ES Arrest Needle better/stronger/more useful than a Spread Needle with hit%? From what I read on the wiki, Spread Needle is better for detonating traps, and can guarantee a paralysis on S3 with high enough hit. So when is the Arrest Needle used?

Seize (Spread Needle) can't paralyze 100% of the time against every enemy due to ESP.

Arrest Needle is better if you're not a cast - pretty simple.

For casts it can be more nuanced. Generally Arrest Needle is a more realistic option and thus is better from a day to day view. If you have a 50H SN then sometimes SN is better. Both are good so there isn't really a quick answer: In depth

The Wiki does say S Rank Needle cannot trap shoot. I believe this is false and the timing is just unintuitive, but I'm not cool enough to test or care beyond a forum post!
Where are people seeing what upcoming bonuses are? People knew the rare mon spawn increase but I'm looking for where it came from so I can see what's coming in the future. I want xp boosts haha.
Every 4th week ish %150 exp boost. Don't forget Halloween quests are %300 exp and open year round. Thus Why' Cookies are so lusted after! Halloween cookies make those final few MILLION exp points feel less...painful~! =3
gi gue hunting -

I've got a skyly ramar closing in on ultimate, what level should I be for this? 110?
What weapons or equipment do I need?
What quests or spawns are best?
gi gue hunting -

I've got a skyly ramar closing in on ultimate, what level should I be for this? 110?
What weapons or equipment do I need?
What quests or spawns are best?

Level doesn't really matter depending on your gear. You can do Gi Gue resets at level 80. You just need Frozen shooter, Demons weapon (laser/raygun/ES) and a DPS weapon (HS/Yas9). And you start up PW4 and clear 2 rooms. This is the best Gi Gue hunt and it's pretty simple, not too many enemies at once. You can cheese gibbles and ill gill by standing on the wall and also just keep distance, FS each enemy and then Demons them a few times, then finish off with the DPS item. After the 5th Gi Gue in room 2 is dead, you /lobby and remake. It can suck to do resets but this is *the best* and easily soloable. Otherwise you can try doing PW1 seaside up until the first gi gue after the 2nd warp. (this would need hell needle as well or a hell weapon for spawns).