Quick question - Quick answer

Do players in HC trade with scape dolls instead of PDs?

PC > PD > Scape > Meseta?
Do players in HC trade with scape dolls instead of PDs?

PC > PD > Scape > Meseta?

We don't trade at all. When useful stuff drops like v101, v502, etc, we just give it away to people who are around a lot. Even if they weren't in the game at the time. PD's just get shoved to whoever needs something or is close to a special. If you ask someone for a Scape you'll get like three of them.
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Cronub is trying to come back. May I scream into a pillow now? For the love of Falz, stop pretending to give a fuck about PSO and its community already. The server was better off dead than with you at the helm.
You say he's "trying to come back" but he's most likely going to successfully come back if he fixes the problems of before.

SCHTServ is the first result on Google. The first working server on Google is the one which gets all the players. The only reason other servers grew is because SCHTServ's registration is down, not because of anything they actually did.
Well not to be pessimistic (although I totally am), but if SCHTServ does return, this server will likely stop growing, kind of like it already has for the most part. Ultima keeps growing at a rate far faster than this server, due to it being the first result on Google, which leads to other things like popular streamers like Maximillian Dood and Bajheera to stream over there causing further growth.

"New" players don't care about the server they play on for the most part, they just want somewhere to play PSO again like they did in old times, and that place will always be the first place they find, which is most likely going to be the top result on Google (which is now SCHTServ again, although it's not up, so next link is what will get players, hence Ultima). There are people who check out the different servers and see what they offer, of course, but those people aren't most people.

While not a popular opinion to have, I personally think he's doing more of a disservice to the community by putting the server up again, because what a dwindling game like PSO does not need is more servers which have the potential to split the community. While I guess this isn't a huge issue for V1-3 (DC/PC/GC), since they can just hop servers as necessary, V4's (BB) server saving shenanigans make it difficult to really bring everyone together, since nobody likes to start over and put all that work in once again by force. There's a reason there's only ever one official server for most games -- so everyone playing the game is all together. Only regions stop that.

Of course, nobody can ever agree on what a PSO server should be these days, and people argue people should play where they want to play (which I do agree with, don't get me wrong), which is why I actually like how Sylverant works. If you want some other person's "vision" (so to speak) of PSO, you just hop ship and you get something else, although you can't really do that for the drastic changes BB servers have since some of those changes require client changes. More BB servers just fragments the already small community though.

I know I'm staff here so I shouldn't be fuelling any sort of doomsday prophecy, but that's just my opinion on SCHTServ coming back. It will most likely flourish again because of its position on the PSO server hierarchy, so to speak, and other servers will definitely slow down.
The only reason other servers grew is because SCHTServ's registration is down, not because of anything they actually did.
You do know that SCHTServ was completely gone until just now, right? The registration wasn't broken; schtserv.com was an unregistered domain for more than a month. Other servers' populations grew when everyone realised that they had no choice but to move on, because SCHTServ wasn't broken: it was gone. Now Cronub is trying to start the whole cycle of empty promises all over again. It would be funny if it weren't so depressing.
Yes, I'm quite aware. But when SCHTServ was still up, Ultima became bigger than SCHTServ because the registration over there was down, so people went to the next thing.

And then obviously it exploded and disappeared, so Ultima grew even more.

I asked a few people over there why they picked Ultima over SCHTServ (like a year ago), and everyone told me it was because SCHTServ's registration was down, not because of anything any other server had to offer.
The fracturing of the community wouldn't bother me so much if SCHTServ actually had anything to bring to the table anymore, but if it takes this long just to get Cronub to buy a new HDD (assuming the old one even died in the first place, as he claimed), imagine how long it'll take him to do anything once the server is actually online. The worst part is that if it comes back up, people are still going to go there, receive no support, and do nothing about it, when if SCHTServ remained dead, they would be populating a server with an active administration, instead.