[Question] Dark Meteor's Special's Accuracy, Special or Hard Attack %?


Robot Master
Does Dark Meteor's special have the accuracy of a special or hard attack? I can't find this info anywhere.
Please tell me it uses hard attacks's, I can't accept that it has a 39,6% chance to hit a dimenian on a max ATA Ramar with RR and 50%hit... Acording to this aniway.
Can't be... right??
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Darkmeteor sucks in vanilla, which is why it's unlocked everywhere else and buffed. That said that's not happening, Sorry it just kinda sucks lol. :S It's few utilities are shooting through walls and hitting pigrays at the barba ray boss because the beam from it stays as an active hitbox really long.
What are you talking about, he didn't ask for unlocking. To answer your question, DM's special attack has a hard attack accuracy.
I don't think she implied he asked for it to be unlocked either. Calm down. All she said is that the special attack accuracy sucks which is why it's unlocked elsewhere. (So you can fire 3 shots faster, I'm assuming.)
What are you talking about, he didn't ask for unlocking. To answer your question, DM's special attack has a hard attack accuracy.
Thanks answering!:D Thank god that's the case, Ramar can use a 50h just fine then.
Though I'm probably gonna make a Bridge instead, after watching a vid of a fully sphered and even unlocked DM, looks pretty lame.
I prefer CR to DM (For switches at least) Less autoaim preventing me from hitting my targets. DM sux bad lol (combo-locked at least). (Waste of pgf)
That said, it looks badass.
It has some cool properties but I am curious to ask- do people use these practically in NM? Asking BC i bought a nice DM but v rarely use- only for barba's pig rays atm.
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