Offically goodbye for me and PSO


Im done no its no buts many of you probly dont even know me but i know a few ppl do and to those ppl i ask of them to look out for for my bro his ign Gligamesh (HUnewearl)
all my gear has gone to Sikki as they were the only person to bother entering the room called giveaway but whatevers and my 801 went to jyuki

Night all for the final time

You're leaving for real? Well, can't force you to stay so good luck with everything then. Take care :)
Im done no its no buts many of you probly dont even know me but i know a few ppl do and to those ppl i ask of them to look out for for my bro his ign Gligamesh (HUnewearl)
all my gear has gone to Sikki as they were the only person to bother entering the room called giveaway but whatevers and my 801 went to jyuki

Night all for the final time

=( Ken-Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! ='( *Starts making a Kenpachi plushie and hugs it sadly* Still hoping you will be making Cameos every so often <3 You will be missed! ='3
Rip. See ya around man.
Seems like you're back now based on what I'm seeing. `-`

One doesn't simply quit PSO yada yada yada.
Why would you quit PSO? It's free and the community here is great. I barely play anymore because my friends haven't been on in a while and I played mostly with them but it doesn't mean I'm gone forever. My HUcaseal has been sitting in her 60s for the past 10 months now. Just hop back on when you have the free time.

If this was pay to play like WoW I'd understand quitting. But it's not so how about you stay.... you clown.
I personally never quit games, just get less interested in them until I gradually stop playing them.

Never really understood "quitting" games unless it's an addiction you really need to go cold turkey on.

That's 50% of the pso community hahaha
There are some on and off days for me on PSO. I do not have a lot of time to play anyway since there is a thing called 'job' where I have to go to every day. My kid and wife needs attention too and is a lot more important than PSO. However.... I will probably never quit this game since I continued playing it since it came out....and it is free at the moment.....