Monster Hunter Thread

lol that it is, now im hunting V101s
7PM EST on weekdays usually work for me. im usually free all weekend
Does MH4 improve anything? I play mh3u quite a bit but, I know capcom is lazy as hell and the little content/reskins they do add barely warrants a purchase with each new installment. At least that's how it usually is with them.
i dont think mh suffers the same issue between the maingames but they do like to release expanded editions of the same game which can be annoying.....and staying on one goddamn system. but they always added enough new stuff to make me drop a few hundred hours into each at least. in this one, they removed swimming, replaced with aerial/grappling combat. added frenzy mechanic. new weapons and monsters.....thats all i can think of off the top of my head.
Does MH4 improve anything? I play mh3u quite a bit but, I know capcom is lazy as hell and the little content/reskins they do add barely warrants a purchase with each new installment. At least that's how it usually is with them.
mh4u has more content overall as far as monsters to fight, amount of each weapon and armors to make
the end game content of 4u is much different to that of any mh before with the addition of quests that level up called guild quests
basically infinite endgame content, potentially stupid good weapons although equally rare, and fashion hunter

you can make you own guild quests by doing the "free hunting" and killing certain monsters to make the monster quest combo you want, or trade quests with other people (there's a subreddit for getting exactly the quest you want from other people)
you can make shit like deviljho - zinogre, or duo rajang (if you've never seen rajang you're in for a treat), or just a single yian kutku, or whatever

the guild quests can give unique randomized weapon and armor called relic armor/weapons based on the quest's level and the difficulty of the monsters you face

the armor allows you to full on fashion hunter old armor sets from different games but with different combo skills like honed blade (S+1 atk up large), and steady hand (minds eye and razor sharp), and more new combo skills they added

the real end game content most want are the relic weapons which can potentially outshine anything made in game
relic weps can be found with different colors, skins, and they can also have a glow/aura
(relic skins ) <-each of these can be different colorz as well as up to 3 slots OR the slots can be taken by an armor skill like edgemaster

relic weapon stats can be outright absurd compared to craftable weapons (, so much so that speed running in mh4u is usually split into 2 sub groups of relics allowed and relics not allowed

you can find weapons with huge bars of natural purple sharpness and massive amounts of attack and crit
but only at the very highest tier/level of hunts
the fucking monsters you have to churn through can be a serious grind vs the hardest shit mh has almost ever had to offer

relics are pure endgame and it basically gives the game near infinite end game life, if you can stand the difficulty and grind

and i love it

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oh thank you sweet baby jhosus, i pray it will have g-rank content added by then

mh4u is $20 on eshop for the next 2 days or so if anyone was interested

i don't mind starting a new character to play with anyone new to the game looking to have a chill journey
or i can just slaughter everything and we will surf the wave of bloody gore to G-rank bliss
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mh4u has more content overall as far as monsters to fight, amount of each weapon and armors to make
the end game content of 4u is much different to that of any mh before with the addition of quests that level up called guild quests
basically infinite endgame content, potentially stupid good weapons although equally rare, and fashion hunter

you can make you own guild quests by doing the "free hunting" and killing certain monsters to make the monster quest combo you want, or trade quests with other people (there's a subreddit for getting exactly the quest you want from other people)
you can make shit like deviljho - zinogre, or duo rajang (if you've never seen rajang you're in for a treat), or just a single yian kutku, or whatever

the guild quests can give unique randomized weapon and armor called relic armor/weapons based on the quest's level and the difficulty of the monsters you face

the armor allows you to full on fashion hunter old armor sets from different games but with different combo skills like honed blade (S+1 atk up large), and steady hand (minds eye and razor sharp), and more new combo skills they added

the real end game content most want are the relic weapons which can potentially outshine anything made in game
relic weps can be found with different colors, skins, and they can also have a glow/aura
(relic skins ) <-each of these can be different colorz as well as up to 3 slots OR the slots can be taken by an armor skill like edgemaster

relic weapon stats can be outright absurd compared to craftable weapons (, so much so that speed running in mh4u is usually split into 2 sub groups of relics allowed and relics not allowed

you can find weapons with huge bars of natural purple sharpness and massive amounts of attack and crit
but only at the very highest tier/level of hunts
the fucking monsters you have to churn through can be a serious grind vs the hardest shit mh has almost ever had to offer

relics are pure endgame and it basically gives the game near infinite end game life, if you can stand the difficulty and grind

and i love it


Very well Said


Yeah definitely have to get the squad ready for this

oh thank you sweet baby jhosus, i pray it will have g-rank content added by then

mh4u is $20 on eshop for the next 2 days or so if anyone was interested

i don't mind starting a new character to play with anyone new to the game looking to have a chill journey
or i can just slaughter everything and we will surf the wave of bloody gore to G-rank bliss

I will be joining in tomorrow for hunts if anyone wants to do. I was getting my character ready all this time, sorry for the delay! Hope I'm not too late and hope I'm not too far behind you all. Wouldn't want you all to carry me thrue out the quests and stuff, haha.
shouldn't worry about being behind or anything, i'm always down to play anything
i can lower my equips based on what we play as well if desired, fun to use some of the silly shit in the game

Very well, what timezone are we all in btw? I am EST. So I will be ready tomorrow after an appointment I have to go to. Will post here as soon as I am back from it... which will be around 5-6PM for me because my Hunting Spirits is very high! ;p
I'm usually ready around 7 EST, though i may be going out for ramen and sushi....maybe. internet dating is fickle lol