You really didn't need to! Thank you so much! I'll find a way of expressing my gratitude!
Well her character was is a man. My apologies lol. I'm a man but my character is a woman. I get called girl all the time haha.
Enough PD to buy someone's over priced Pwand so I can win pso since it's the only thing I've wanted since I started, and to stop being called your successor logging hundreds of hours in trade rooms.
Cool facts -

I'd have the most teampoints on team team points aside from Pluto zero and venom had I not given so many team point weapons away, that I didn't team point.

I save cats from burning buildings and kids from trees on the daily at work.

I have a cat named earl

Today marks the 40th week I haven't used my 40$ a month gym membership.

Lastly I don't expect a handout but hey, you can't win the lotto if you don't buy a ticket :)
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Lastly I don't expect a handout but hey, you can't win the lotto if you don't buy a ticket :)

Literally the only reason I posted in this thread LOL.

I figured I wouldn't get anything since I'm a rich dumb motherfucker with my PDs. (Who would give PDs to the guy who did this?)

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