
  1. DiscoGreninjaFrog

    Berry's Trade List

    My Timezone is GMT -10. The quickest response is DM'ing my discord - DiscoGreninjaFrog#3531 Accepted trade currencies - Photon Drops, Photon Crystal (1:1), Alternative Currencies (Badges, Eggs etc. At their current accepted rate) Photon drops are preferred - you may also offer a trade exchange...
  2. Lepvelx

    B> Real Nei's Claw. I HAVE 150PDS FOR YOU!!!

    After a long time picking every item from the floor and selling everything i could, im finally on possession of 150 photon drops. If you have a Real Neis Claw please contact me on DM here, or private message on Discord LEPVID-19#4481
  3. majinToorah

    PC> Cannon Rouge 0/0/0/30/30

    Didn't know what I found until someone in the game congratulated me. Wondering what it's worth. Thanks in advance. Looking to sell for sure
  4. majinToorah

    S> V801 (13 PD) (SOLD)

    Selling a V801, asking 13 PD's or something equal that would be good for a Hunter/HUmar