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  1. Steven

    overly long thread about modsectionid and information changes relating to beginners

    Hi yall unlike last time where I got mad cus MAS got removed and made a lot of mumbo jumbo about stuff, this time I was gonna forego the rageposting and instead lay out some thoughts that popped in my head sorry for it being so long - but it's about... ...modsectionid and absolute beginners...
  2. Steven

    Wondering why TTF wasn't removed along with MAS + suggestion for leveling

    Hi, I was wondering what the purpose of removing MAS was outside of the announcement. It's claimed to be "anti-gameplay", not a good introduction to new players, improperly balanced for exp, AND the fact new players were regularly power leveled using it...when TTF exists. TTF is that one quest...
  3. Steven

    Searching for a certain video/clip...

    Hi yall, a few years back I was browsing 4chan and came across some kind of video game thread and I remember seeing and downloading a video (has since been deleted off my computer - checked EVERYWHERE) of what appeared to be "showing off" a seaside-looking area with a beach and blue-green water...
  4. Steven

    Angel Ring as a Mag

    I figured it would work the same way the devil wings mag works: if you use a heart of devil on it, then it turns into a devil tail. In this case, you'd use a heart of angel to turn it into an angel ring (mag). It could be named angel halo or w/e to prevent confusion. Another idea is to use an...
  5. Steven

    Ayy what's gucci

    Hi everyone, I meant to make one of these a few weeks ago when I started playing again but I was too lazy, so I finally got around to it. I played on schthack a while back and about 5 minutes of ultima, but it honestly wasn't very memorable for me. My time here so far has been really pleasant...