Search results

  1. SheepDog

    Looking for a active english team.

    Ramar, ill be on once a week, will donate.
  2. SheepDog

    How can i reach my mag feeding goals?

    I wanted to build "pure" mags stat wise, along wirh a evenly balanced ratis, given that its been a few years since i did mag feeding, how would i go about this? Edit: sorry wrong place to put this.
  3. SheepDog

    what did i do wrong?

    This is very likely something on my end, as i cannot seem to connect to the game, i type my userid and pass in, click start game and this comes up (in case the pic doesnt work) I've checked the news section for updates so unless in the fluke chance your literally...
  4. SheepDog

    A gamecube oran returns to ragol

    Along with a friend who got me into the game we cleared ultiamate ruins, because that was the one thing that he had wanted to do that he had not done, my drops as an oran(original ign Pariahus) were terrible for a hucast, who couldnt use all of the mind material i was getting, and had terrible...