Looking for a active english team.

I think PSG is probably the most "active", if you prefer something a bit more casual you are welcome to join us in Monolith, and if you have a craving for HC mode I'd recommend CORE.
I think PSG is probably the most "active", if you prefer something a bit more casual you are welcome to join us in Monolith, and if you have a craving for HC mode I'd recommend CORE.
CHEERS! =3 Sheepies-san actually sounds familiar...Wonder if mew's pounced him somewhere before? >=3
I think I remember you from long ago. :eek:
I'd think that you should ndw, i had to leave last year bc my laptops power supply broke, finally got it fixed. im pretty sure you kicked me for inactivity, i forgot to report in.
plus iirc i traded you pds for a red handgun.
Balmung of the Azure Sky without a team? How did this happened?
I'm sure you will find a nice place on here,there are plenty of teams with nice people :D
I don't remember that far back, but you're welcome to rejoin!