Trade with Ade :D (updated 01/24/2019)

Thanks for not acknowledging my post and then deleting harms off the list.

To anyone reading this thread: The above post should be ignored. I do my best to check every single post but I must have missed this one. I wasn't ignoring anyone. Thanks.
Centurion/Ability- 6 PD
FROZEN SHOOTER [0/0/0/0|15] 1 PD
OPHELIE SEIZE [0/0/0/0|20] 1 PD

These please :)

Scepter [0/0/0/0|85] [Charge] 2 PD

and a cent

Ah sorry Cam: Bantur beat you by 3 minutes for the Scepter. I just saw one Auction for dirt cheap the other day so I'm not understanding the demand. I got you reserved for a Cent.