What do you find difficult in PSO?

Finding something nice that isn't hit/machine.



Doing anything tower related without dying at least once. Damn those flowers.

All lilys are on a timer once activated, and will always megid at the same interval. =p You just gotta notice when their heads down, when they get hit, or when a players within their active range. It's really easy once you notice its all the exact same timing.
All lilys are on a timer once activated, and will always megid at the same interval. =p You just gotta notice when their heads down, when they get hit, or when a players within their active range. It's really easy once you notice its all the exact same timing.

I thought @MudkipzJm meant Mericarols.
Those too actually. They only change when you get close enough to disturb their pattern, or make them charge you. =P
lol, those buggers always get me no matter what, I swear its like running from a sniper. [n.n]