What are teams and how do I get involved?

Hello all,

New to the game as of a few weeks but dabbled back in the day on the gamecube, excited to see that it is still possible to play! My question is: what are teams? are they like guilds? and how should I go about getting involved with one? Thanks in advance for any help, wanting to play with more people solo'ed most of it so far.
You and anyone else is welcome to join SanicTeam for team permissions. We also plan to host some PvP tournaments in the future
Cool thank you, I will do that! Did not want to make my own team as I do not know enough players yet :)
Worse case scenario NOVA-chan...mew can halp sponsor you starting your own team? You obviously has 'SOME' kinda agenda for yourself and do not wish to be tethered by others! Just poke your mew here in mail or in game and we'll get your Fangs out and ready~! >=3