Some concerns about Ephinea

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Maybe I'm just not on enough, but the only time I've heard people complain about "wait for the next event" is people being sarcastic about it.
While it may have been sarcastic, I can't help but feel like the events were too strong.

Mostly because they handed out ubers which cut out a lot of the game for people, and the items handed out in them could easily replace many hunts or investments with much less effort (Anniversary Event was murder for this with the Gold Badge Exchanges, as was the Easter Event in both the 10 and 25 egg trades).

Couple that with the added activity to smash the milestones for extra rates, and there's too much... "un-incentive" to actually play outside of events, as progress is catapulted so much during the main events that you might as well not play until they come on.
One thing that sucks when you're new and you hit level 80, seems like no one really wants you in their Ult game. Feels like you're stealing someone else's spot whenever you join.

I could be completely wrong on this, i still felt awkward joining people's games at 120 lol.
Nu Nu Nu!!! Yes, theres a bit of intimidation walking in among others at HIGHER levels, dear. The gap from turning 80 to say, 170+ is pretty daunting...the hours played, the items aquired...not to mention a frikken Dorphon can one hit your ass like a speed bump at gets vexing. YOU are a WARRIOR, just as they are! Do you have any 'Less' Passion than they do to want to succeed or protect? Hell No!
*Starts walking around Shovel-san with a critical eye and a leather riding crop inspecting, poking, and correcting any flaws seen in him.....* >=3
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Dreaming of fiasco HBR.....
Threads like this are my concerns about Ephinea.

Just play the game the way you enjoy with people you have fun with.

Edge lord, I think you're trying too hard. It's called a discussion, in a forum, etc, etc. Thanks for playing though, try again next topic.

Besides, topic has little to do with the game, the game's fine, it's more about the community/events/new players etc.
Most of these "Elitist" players I'm talking about degrade the new players, and don't even play B-mode, or TA.
They have nothing to prove other than having bad manners, and making competitive PsoBB players look toxic.

These players ruin the game for new players, and veterans alike.
I've seen too many of them yelling at new forces or outright ALT+Bsing the game because a new Hunewearl used a Last Swan when I was leveling up Eiji undercover looool. They want "TA efficiency" in public games but go on the forums to trash talk the players that actually play TA, shit was funny man lol.
I've seen too many of them yelling at new forces or outright ALT+Bsing the game because a new Hunewearl used a Last Swan when I was leveling up Eiji undercover looool. They want "TA efficiency" in public games but go on the forums to trash talk the players that actually play TA, shit was funny man lol.

Really? Alt backspace?

The only time I EVER alb+bs or /lobby when someone joins my game is when I was intending to solo and didn't password the room (too many extra buttons when using buff slave).

I had no idea we had assholes like that on our server.
Really? Alt backspace?

The only time I EVER alb+bs or /lobby when someone joins my game is when I was intending to solo and didn't password the room (too many extra buttons when using buff slave).

I had no idea we had assholes like that on our server.
These people exist on every server for this game since the old 2008 Schthack days. It's a cancer, that's why I usually ignore them. If they want to altback then feel free, but honestly it's just silly.

Again, the elitists you don't like are a very vocal minority on the server, I'd say no more than 10-20 people. I've been observing this server for about as long as it's initial release to see how it would play out as a server on the forums, and I have never really seen the number stray past that point. If it's just a small group of people, let them do their own thing. We have 100+ people on this server to play with, I'm sure we can deal with 10-20 of them being elitists and the rest being half way decent human beings.

But I'm going to be honest and blunt here by stating that it's not just the elitists, the people that often are the offenders of not ever helping new players are the same people that blame it on the elitists or claim they are the helping hand. It's happened too many times on other servers where the people that are honest about who they want to play with are ridiculed but yet the people that are doing the ridiculing are treated as innocent.

I'd look deep inside yourselves when making these arguments and truly determine whether you have something to improve upon or not. Elitists can be elite all they want but if they exclusively play with other elitists, whose fault is it that new players don't have anybody to play with? It's certainly not the elitists fault, they've already stated they wont play, so pick up their slack.
Only time I ever /lobby (no need for alt+bs) is if people clearly cant read a rooms title (i.e. joining with a lvl80 hucl when we clearly asked for a FO by example) or are so bad they get everyone killed consistently. Usually the latter are players that are universally blocked by people as they're often someones alt they use to grief/troll. Which is funny because they're not making anyone mad, only making themselves look bad.
If this thread was a game, I'd /lobby.
Shots fired ;3

Seriously though, I agree, elitists are a problem because they want everyone else to be elitist too and can't understand other points of view or that there is more than one way to play a game.

Its fine to be serious about the game, especially if you are doing something difficult like C-mode...

But for the rest of the game put it in your room name or ask when you join if the group is casual or not. If you don't you have no excuse, and only yourself to blame if everyone hates you.
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If this thread was a game, I'd /lobby.
Threads like this are my concerns about Ephinea.

Just play the game the way you enjoy with people you have fun with.

Here's your /lobby button:


This is thread is so awful I can't lskdfjdsklfnslkf
I think that's not one in the same.
I don't have a clue where this elitist talk is coming from, being new to this particular PSO server...

But other than the forum rage (which any communication is better than none, without this topic, and topics like it, your forum and game will DIE, 100%), it's not like I can see them ruining your PSO games either. PSO 2 drops, password games, your own friends...I'm thinking long and hard, and to be honest, I never get toxic players in PSO BB, least on private servers, I remember like four on Dreamcast era (OFC), it takes normally a lot more effort to troll than most human beings find worth wasting. Maybe if you don't title the room, or treat the other player like dog turds straight out of the gate, but who really wants to waste their time/exp/loot normally making one person salty? A lot of effort mates, most personally wouldn't go out of their way unless the other was a dick first.

So that leaves TA and Challenge mode. Oh man, people that are better than me at the game are bragging they're better than you. Shit, they probably are. If this was League of Legends and we had players saying "NOT ALL BRONZES ARE BAD", we'd have a 3,000 post thread with video, proving you're bad. :mad:

TL DR: It's a game, it's a forum, it's opinions, do we need a trigger warning here?
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